
发布 2021-02-23 07:26:28 阅读 1271

i h**e a nice sister. she s also my friend. she s 12years old, is in grade six.

my sister is a good student, and she likes play thepiano with me. at home, she ofter helps mother do thehousework, and she likes reading a books.

my sister is a good girl, i must learn from her, and ilike her.




i h**e a good sister. don't look at him. he's not mysister, but she gives me a lot of love.

her big eyes, black eyes with a pair of watery eyes, itmade me feel that this person is very courteous andaessible, eyelash long; face white, sometimes red; headround, like a big watermelon. short hair.

i remember once, i fell a big somersault, hand siderubbed off the skin, a red, the mouth that blood again, mysister saw, immediately laughed, and i am not happy to knotthis expression, the stone hit her. my sister saw me anddodged right away. like in defense, i was.

i got up rightaway and told her, "i'll never talk to you again.".

a few days later, my sister came to my grandmother'shome to play, just as i was there. when i saw my sister ingto my grandma's house, i immediately pouted and showed mydislike for him. but on the contrary, my sister smiled atme.

at this moment, i was shocked. my sister didn't regardit as a thing at all. instead, she wanted me to forgive her.

i told her again imperceptibly







wearing a pair of eyes, with a horse tail and a book inyour hand, you know who she is. she is my sister. she isalways holding a book.

at noon one day, "i'm going to the hotel."!even themother cried.

"that's great!"!great!

" i threw away thebooks, ran to the car, tr**eling sister is still in the seaof books, let the mother cried, she seemed not to hear.

hurry up and go."!mother walked into her sister andcried, "oh!

"!my sister took the book, went to the car,came to my long-awaited hotel, i immediately ran to mycousin, cousin, playing very happy, laughter isparticularly loud, but my sister sat in the chair,carefully read the book, just like what sound does not hear,until his mother called her for dinner.

finished eating."!my sister said, took the book,after i had finished eating, she came to her carefully, inthe automatic speaking fight, "chi.

" i am puzzled, after awhile, "qin shi wang died!" i wonder if my sister will beea bookworm if she looks like this.







她11岁了,有一头乌黑发亮的长头发,一双水汪汪的眼睛还有一张能说会道的嘴巴,她就是我亲爱的 姐姐一一陈乐乐。不要以为她长得十分文静不发脾气,她要发 来,简直就像一头凶巴巴的母老虎。记得有一次,我在做作业的时候,姐姐这时候从外面跑回来,高兴的对我说 陈哲,我们一起出去玩吧!我要做完作业再出去玩,便不作...




关于姐姐的作文范文。写作能力是人的语言表达能力的重要组成部分,所以,在汉语教学过程中,对于学生写作能力的培养十分重要。下面我们来写一下自己的姐姐吧。关于姐姐的作文范文一 生活中,有许许多的一瞬间,其中有那么一瞬间是我最难忘的。记得那是在一个下午,我带着妈妈给我的奖励 四张十元大钞来到了肯德基。我推开...