
发布 2021-02-23 07:22:28 阅读 3599


no matter you or i h**e known each other, no matter in frontofyou,isincerelywishyouhappinessandpeace...usethissong to pray for the people of wuhan.



wuhan, the city that people all over the world pay attention to,the city that makes me cry, moved and proud. wuhan, you arenot alone, we are here! the virus is merciless, there is love inthe world.

all over the country, there are doctors and nurseslikeangels,soldierswhoprotectthecountryandpublicsecurity soldiers who protect the safety of one side. they go inthe opposite direction, admirable and admirable.


sincetheoutbreak,supportmaterialsfromallpartiesh**ebeen pouring into wuhan.


mountainsandriversaredifferent,windandmoonarethesame day" is the eight words written on japanese aid materialsto china. friendly countries all over the world are supportingeach other, either financially or physically. this is to make theworld full of love, which is called boundless love.




child, can you recover the scar on your face?" mom, don'tworry, i will give you an angel like daughter." this is a dialoguebetween a woman doctor and her mother.

the lovely womandoctor is liu li. "wang yuehua, i love you, i love you!" this is ahusband's cry from the heart.

he just finished his year's workintheaidsroom,;anotherrespectablehusband, hiding from his wife, signed his name on the letter ofrequestforassistancetohubeiprovince!whenhissonwasborn, he had gone to wuhan and met his son for the first time,buthewasconnectedbymobilephone;athuoshenshanhospital,agroupofmedicalstaffstoppedatruckthatwasabout to le**e to deliver materials. it turned out that the "thisiswhaticandoasanordinaryperson.

"zhongnanshan,academicianoftheacademy of engineering


关于疫情的作文范文3篇。关于疫情的作文范文3篇。疫情无情人有情,灾难面前我们大家团结一致,相信很快就会打赢这场战役!祖国加油!武汉加油!下面是收集的关于疫情的作文,欢迎阅读参考!2021年1月25日武汉封城的消息传出来之后,国家了一种病毒,它的名字叫 冠状病毒 他的样子像一个海胆,还像王冠,这种病毒...


初中关于疫情的作文范文。初中关于疫情的作文范文。一方有难八方支援,只要我们团结一致,齐心协力,献出自己的一份力量,一定能战胜病毒的!下面是搜集的初中关于疫情的作文范文,欢迎阅读参考!放寒假后,我满怀期待地准备迎接一个热热闹闹的春节,方案着跟亲朋好友一起到狂欢。可就在过年的前几天,网上出现一个 性的新...


说起疫情,大家最先想到的就是奋战在一线的白衣天使们,他们是最美的逆行者,是全国人们的榜样!这是一场艰巨但又必胜的战役,这是一场全民动员 众志成城的战斗。面对疫情,要筑牢我们的身体和精神防线,在党和 的领导下,统一包含人民群众 医疗科研 社会组织等强大战线,坚决打赢这场疫情防控狙击战。我们聚焦微观人群...