a seaside holidayon july 6th, 2014, i went xiao meisha with myfellows to spend a nice seaside holiday. on our arriving at xiao meisha, wewere all filled with excitement, since this was our first trip to the meisha was an excellent seaside resort indeed. there the sky wasclean and bright, the wind was mild and pleasant, the sandy beach wassoft and fortable, and the sea was so magnificent.
we felt refreshed at thatmoment. it seemed as if we tr**eled in the he**en.2024年07月06日,我跟朋友们一起去小梅沙度过了一次愉快的假期。
we did many kinds of activities at the seaside. some of us wentswimming in the sea; some went surfing; some dived underwater; somehad a walk along the sea; some played sports on the beach. but i just tooksome photos of the beautiful sea scenery.
all of us had a happy time.我们在那玩了很多海边活动。一些人去海里游泳,一些人去冲浪;有的在海边散步,有的玩起了海滩运动。
in the evening, when it was about the time for le**ing, we wereunwilling to go, because the beautiful sea scenery deeply attracted us. we
all expected for our next ing. so i could say that the seaside holiday wasboth relaxing and wonderful.晚上,当我们即将离开的时候,我们对这里的海边美景深深吸引,十分不舍离去。
EF 度假中的英语 10句有用的术语
你有没有去过讲英语的国家度假?你只需要做一点点准备,就能让你在暑假中尽情地游玩。因此,在你开始计划要带些什么,要去 之前,请先读读我们这些有用的表达方式以帮你从酒店到达沙滩。can you tell me how to get to the beach?这是问路的常用方式。where s the b...
暑假度假记作文 x
一放假,爸妈带我和姐姐去玩。清早,我们带着兴奋的心情出发了,在高速公路上一路奔驰,看着一排排的房屋 树木从眼前经过。坐了好久的车,好不容易终于到了地方,这时已经过中午了,我们先解决五脏庙,再到预约的饭店放好行旅箱。休息一会儿后,我们先去喝咖啡欣赏风景,没想到有人在拍偶像剧 xx的星星 让我知道拍戏不...
小学英语阅读材料 海边度假
papa,mama,爸爸 妈妈 哥哥和妹妹周末去海边度假。那有一所房子可以住在里面。let sputonswimmingsuitsandgointothewater saysbrother.wait,wemustcleanup,roombyroom saysmama.我们穿上泳衣下水吧 哥哥说。等等...