
发布 2021-02-21 19:50:28 阅读 7522





例1 in order not to be disturbed, i spent three hours __in my study.

a. locking

b. locked

c. to lock

d. to be locked




例2 he made up his mind to devote his life __pollution___happily.

a. to prevent, to live b. to prevent, from living

c. to preventing, to live d. to preventing, living

解析:答案为c,但易误选b,认为第一空应填to,是不定式符号,第二空是prevent...from) doing sth.

是固定搭配。其实devote ..to ..




例3 i’ll come to see you if___

a. you’re convenient

b. it is convenient for you

c. you feel convenient

d. it is convenient with you

解析:答案为b,但易误选a或c,因为按汉语意思,“如果你方便的话”,易直译为if you are convenient或if you feel convenient。但事实上,英语中表示“如果你方便的话”,通常说if it is convenient for(to)you。



例4 he ran as fast as he could __the bus.

a. catch b. to catch c. catching d. caught

解析: 答案为b,但易选a,以为情态动词could后要接动词原形。其实,这里的情态动词could后已省略了一个动词原形run了,后面应用动词不定式表示目的。



例5 __he followed my advice, he would h**e succeeded.

a. when b. if c. had d. has

解析: 答案为c,但易误选b。若选b,主句和从句的时态就会矛盾了,根据后面的谓语的形式,前面要用过去完成式had followed才对。其实,这里的if被省略,将had提前了。


1. _smoking here will be fined.

a. who b. whomever c. anyone d. whoever

2. after___seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.

a. which b. it c. what d. that

3. _is known to everybody, the moon tr**els round the earth once every month.

a. it b. as c. that d. what

4. he is always really rude, _is why people tend to **oid him.

a. that b. it c. this d. which

5. mr. smith is a painter, _i should also like to be.

a. that b. which c. who d. it

6. according to the rules, students must not __their books during examinations.

a. read b. watch c. notice d. look at

7. remind him __the window when he le**es.

a. of closing b. closing c. to close d. close

8. on saturday afternoon, mrs. green went to the market, _some bananas and visited her cousin.

a. bought b. buying c. to buy d. buy

9. it was 10 o'clock __the front doorbell rang.

a. where b. when c. that d. which

10we went for a swim.

a. being hot b. it being hot

c. as it is hot d. it was hot

11. before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he __english.

a. could learning b. learned

c. to learn d. could learn

12. —did they all pass the driving test?

—no, _only three of them who passed it.

a. there was b. that was

c. there were d. it was

13. the “two cities” referred __london and paris.

a. is to b. to be

c. to are d. to going to be

14. this is the main use that the scientists make __of natural resources.

a. it b. which c. use d. /

15. mr. smith is___a good teacher___we all respect.

a. such, that b. such, as

c. so, that d. so, as

16. if you want to go to see the movie,so __i.

a. do b. am c. will d. should

17. which do you enjoy __your weekends, fishing or watching tv?

a. spending b. to spend

c. being spent d. spend

18. is there a shop around __we can buy some toilet articles?

a. that b. which c. where d. what


1. c smoking here做后置定语修饰主语anyone。若把smoking改为smokes, 那就选d。

2. c after 在此处是介词,what(=the time that)引导宾语从句。

3. b as引导的是定语从句,代表后面整句话的意思。若把逗号改为that, 就选a, it 是形式主语,that 从句为主语从句。

4. d which 引导非限制性定语从句。假如把逗号改为句号或分号,就用it或that。

5. b which 引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是表示职业身份的a painter。

6. d 句意为“学生们考试时不能看书(作弊)”,不是读书的意思。


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