
发布 2021-02-21 11:18:28 阅读 4172


part 11路线的描述。


when you come out of …当你走出…;

when you come to...当你来到…;

when you get to / reach…当你到达…;

when you get out of...当你走出…。



go straight (on to)..一直朝前走(到)……

go down the street/road...沿着街道/马路走。

turn right/left at the first crossing在第一个十字路口向右/左转。

take the first turning on the left在第一个拐角处向左拐。

keep walking/going along/down...继续向前走……。


go straight on to the second traffic lights and then turn right.一直朝前走,到第二个交通灯,然后向右拐。

go down the street and take the second turning on the left. 沿着街道走,在第二个拐角处向左拐。

go ahead till you come to the next crossing. 一直朝前走,直到下一个十字路口。

keep walking/going along/down the street. take the first turning on your left.继续沿街道向前走,在第三个拐角处向左转。

keep going before you come to a department store.在你到达百货商店之前继续向前走。

turn right at the end of bridge street into riverside road. 在桥街的尽头向右拐,进入滨河路。

cross the street/river and then turn right.穿过这条街道/河流, 接着向右拐。



take the no. 10 bus to peace cinema. you can’t miss it. 坐十路公共汽车去和平电影院。不会错过的。

take a bus and get off at the fourth stop. 坐公共汽车,在第四个车站下车。take bus no.

3 and it will take you right there. 坐三路车,它会把你送到那儿。

it’s too far to walk. better take a taxi. 步行很远,最好坐出租车。

you must get off at the next stop. 必须在下一个车站下车。


it's about 200 metres away from here. 从这儿大约200米远。

it's ten minutes' ride from here. 从这儿乘车有十分钟的路程。

it’s not far from here. it's only about ten minutes' walk. 距这儿不远,大约十分钟步行的路程。

it’s about 200 yards down the street.这条街道前方大约200码的路程。


it's just around the corner. 就在拐角处。

it is opposite the post office. 就在邮局对面。

it's next to the book store. 就在书店隔壁。

it's on the fourth floor.在四楼。

you’ll see /find it. 你就会看到它。

it's right there. 就在那儿。


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