
发布 2021-02-21 11:17:28 阅读 7764


part one写人。





5.rose 是一位年轻的科学家,她每天工作繁忙,但卓有成效。下面记录的是她昨天一天的主要工作,请以 a busy day 为题,以短文的形式描述她的生活。

possible version

1. liu min, who was born in a small town in the north of fujian province, graduated from the department of physics of beijing university. when he was in the university, he did very well in all the subjects, especially in english and computer.

he even won the national prize because of his essay. in his spare time he liked to play football.

2. tom was born in new york. there are many people in his family.

(his family is a big one.) every day, he goes to school by bike.(he rides to school every day.

) his hobby is playing basketball in his spare time. he hopes to h**e a chance to go to visit china one day.

3. mr lin is my chemistry teacher. he is in his fifties now.

he always encourages us to raise questions in his class. his lessons are so lively that all of us like to study chemistry. he is very strict with us, but we all respect and love him.

4. li li is regarded as one of the best students in our class. she is always ready to help others.

she is not only good at her studies, but also she plays the violin very well. two of her compositions h**e been published in the news*****. she sets a good example to us all.

5a busy day

rose had a busy day yesterday. she got up at seven o’clock in the morning, and quickly washed her hands and face. she drove to the airport and flew to new york to attend an important meeting.

it was 10 o’clock when she got off the plane. mr. white met her at the airport, and they had lunch in a fast food restaurant.

they got to professor read’s office at 12:50. the meeting began at 1 and lasted for 4 hours.

all the experts were satisfied with rose’s report. professor read g**e her some good advice on her research. after dinner, rose flew back and it was already 11:

00 at night when she got home. she was tired, but very likes to keep busy.


part two写事。

1. 那天我的妹妹在河边玩。她突然掉到了水里。我的狗阿福跳到水里,把她推到岸边。妹妹被狗救了。





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