follow tours after a long wait, finally came to my dreamoftianjin,thebustlingmetropolis,wascatchingthecivilizedand harmonious, tianjins many attractions too many ,like theculturestreet,shipinjie,gulou,etcnashinumeroustouristattractions of food in tianjin snacks is each person mentionedwillbeathumbs-up,goubulistuffedbun,erduoyanfriedcake,the 18th street manual twist, etc..
around him in here mood will be infected, possible turntimes before arranged by place, although not enjoy, but timecant always stay for us, there was no time to enjoy here againflourishing, le**ing, expect the next come here again, continueto enjoy here.
myhometowntianjinisabeautifulcity,itshigh-risebuildings and a bustling main street,my f**orite has to be the第1页。
共5页。beauty of the haihe river,because my grandma lived is nearthe haihe river,i like lying on the balcony of her home in haiheriver。
haihe river scenery is attractive,night, chinese lanternand good, like a star, like a jewel,people are in haihe river sideof the busy day for a walk,i love the beauty of haihe river, lovemy beautiful hometown---more of tianjin。
my hometown is a beautiful place with a population ofeight million.
it stands beside the gulf bohai.
severalexcellentworldfamousinstitutions of higher learning are located here, namely joint ventures with foreign companies manufacture a widerange of topgrade and high-tech products or consumer goods..marketsanddepartmentstores,bigorsmall,arewell-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in qualitybut low in price.第2页。
共5页。butintheolddays, the majority of the working people lived in old, shabbyhuts or buildings on narrow and muddy streets. the workingclass led a very miserable life.
into a beautiful and prosperous place to live in.
astheasiangameisgoingon,wecanseesomanyexcitinggamesthesedays,therearesomanychampionscoming out every day, we are happy for them, because with the help of the drugs, it is so shameful ofthem, they are not the real champions.
共5页。workinghardforalongtime,mostofthemspenddayandnight to get trained, they h**e to le**e their parents for a longtime, they can see their parents when the festival comes. to bethechampionissuchagreathonor,, he does not respect his rivals, it is so shame onhim.
taking the drugs is not the right act, it is unfair to thoserealworkinghardrivals,everyathleteshouldtaketherightattitude about the match. the one who loses in a fair way alsodeserves people’s respect.
nowdaysmoreandmorepeoplechoosetotourintianjin. it is easy to see that tianjin becomes more attractive tothe this citybecomessuchpopular tour place?第4页。
共5页。alotpeoplechoosetianjinforspendingtheshortholiday. most them are from beijing,now it just takes 30 minsto reach there, and there are lot of tradtional place to visit, .
they can eat the most health and fresh food from thefield, and drink the water in the well and hills.
tianjin is the best choice to tour.
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天津市高考作文 智能芯片 范文 4篇 作者 lishuangying 加入日期 15 01 13 智慧芯片 无智慧。人类失去思考,世界将会变成怎样。题记。智慧芯片 问世第一年。人们纷纷前去购买使用。人们看到它对人类带来的贡献,于是将其推广至每一个人。人们欣于接受这一新科技成果。智慧芯片 问世第二年。...
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