
发布 2021-02-21 10:02:28 阅读 6174


一. 短语。

break 词组。

1. the little boy broke __from his mother and ran away.

2. the car broke___and they had to walk back home. 3.

don’t break___when others are speaking.

4. they broke___the house and took the necklace away. 5. a quarrel broke___between them.

call 词组:

1. we called __mike's house yesterday.

2. all ships sailing on the oceans call __help by radio in english.

3. i'll call __my uncle at beijing railway station4. let's call __a doctor for the little girl.

5. many of these songs called __the workers to take up the struggle.

6. i shall call __him tomorrow7. i heard somebody calling __to me from downstairs.

8. call me __tomorrow; my number is 536291.

9. your letter calls __the days when we worked together fifteen years ago.

二. 语法。


主语(noun / pronoun

the + adj

v-ing / clause/infinitive)

附属成分: 基本成分的修饰语。可以是:



定语。poor john tottered toward a hospital nearbyshe likes oranges imported from the usa.

john g**e mary many books,which are full of illustrations.

h**e you seen the book on the desk? /the boy playing over there is my brother. /people there like sports.

状语。john often came to chat with me. /john likes oranges very much.

whenever he gets drunk,john makes mary very angry.

hearing the news, he jumped with joy. /as he was ill, he didn’t come to class yesterday.

she is sitting at the desk, doing her homework.

my father worked in this school ten years agoyou’d better stay here.


the lady has won a medal .

the girl jumped.

the gentlemen can speak languages.

the grandma told me an story.

the men sat.

两个简单句的主语可以连词and、but、both..and、either…or、neither…nor、not only…but also等连词连接组成一个简单句,但应注意主语和谓语动词的一致性。

1. the boss is flying to paris. his secretary is flying to paris.

the boss and his secretary are flying to paris. /both the boss and his secretary are flying to paris.

2. the boss is flying to rome. his secretary is not flying to rome.

the boss but not his secretary is flying to rome.

3. the boss may be flying to berlin. his secretary may be flying to berlin.

either the boss or his secretary is flying to berlin.

4. the boss is not flying to york. his secretary isn’t flying to york.

neither the boss nor his secretary is flying to york.


1. i met jane. i met her husband.

/i met jane and her husband ./i met both jane and her husband.

2. it was cold. it was wet. /it was cold and wet.

3. i didn’t meet jane. i didn’t meet her husband.

i didn’t meet either jane or her husband. /i met neither jane nor her husband.


we sang all night. we danced all night. /we sang and danced all night.


用分号: we fished all day; we didn’t catch a thing.

用分号,后跟一个连接副词: we fished all day; however, we didn’t catch a thing.

用并列连词(如and、but、so、yet等) we fished all day, but (we) didn’t catch a thing.


平行并列连词: and, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor, and then

转折并列连词:but, however, while, yet

因果并列连词: for, so

选择并列连词: or, either…or, neither… nor



jimmy fell off his bike but (he) wasn’t hurt.


主谓状(方式) 连主谓表。

frank worked hard and (he ) became an architect.


i ’ve got a cold, so i ’m going to bed.


they made him chairman, but (they) didn’t increase his salary.

三. 句型。

1. it is time that +句子。 该是(某人)做。的时候了。

2. it is/has been +时间+since +句子。 自从做。到现在有多长时间来了。

3. it (will/won't) be long before +句子/it is(isn’t) long before + 句子/it was(wasn’t) long before +句子。 很久/不久。才…


辅导 一 一 短语。break 词组。1.the little boy broke from his mother and ran away.2.the car broke and they had to walk back home.3.don t break when others are sp...


辅导 一 一 短语。break 词组。1.the little boy broke from his mother and ran away.2.the car broke and they had to walk back home.3.don t break when others are sp...


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