2019高考英语作文热点素材 关于新型肺炎的作文

发布 2021-02-21 03:14:28 阅读 4425




althoughitiswarmwinter,therearefewpedestriansonthestreets. the breeze blows and the red lanterns on the street sway withthe wind. this spring festival is both lively and cold.


inside,isatonthewindowsillofmyroom,andmymobilephone kept updating the news. shiver all over though not cold novelcoron**irus beyond count. china has 41 deaths.

the suspected andconfirmed cases are numerous and full of great china. open the nextlink, is to use high-tech to cure many people, see a picture of smile, i also showed a smile originally with a tight brow.





youstayathomeanddon'trunaround!” why don't i stay at home and look at my cell phone andrun out to play? i don't care.

i look down and keep looking at mycellphone, “mom, do you know that war has started again?” war? youknow, it's a virus.

by the way, why do you ask me all of a sudden? “


my mother's light attitude made me very dissatisfied: “do youknow how to protect yourself?” as i said this, i ran back to my roomand took out an unopened disposable medical mask.



it's just a mask. it's unnecessary. fujian is not as serious aswuhan, hubei.

it's unnecessary to wear a mask on the street. it'swasteful!”hearing this, iwasmoreangry,butmymotherdidn'twant to go back, but i caught her.

“ten cases h**e been confirmed infujianprovince,andthewholegreatchinahasfallenintoit.41people h**e been killed. are you still indifferent?

” aren't all thosepeople segregated? what are you afraid of? “there wasa look ofdisdain on her mother's face.



there's no way. i can only use my trump card -sadness: “there' you'll get sick immediately.

if you get sick, you'll h**efever, weakness of limbs, vomiting and other symptoms. it's those angels in white, who are fighting on the same line on theeve of the lunar new year, you can't go to give people any i don't want you to le**e me! “speaking of this, i winkedat my mother, like crying.


mom looked at my red eyes, took the mask, and silently took itup.


beforeileft,ididn'ttrustmymother, face, so i went back to my room happily.


openthewindow, developed by experts at the earliest time, and the virus will disease and recover soon.


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2019高考作文热点素材 社会热点素材及运用

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