广州版 小学英语 陈述句 教师版

发布 2021-02-10 10:02:28 阅读 7416


1. the little boy has been to the great wall.

the little boy hasn’t been to the great wall.

2. there is something wrong with the bike

there isn’t anything wrong with the bike.

3. jack was late for school.

jack wasn’t late for school.

4. wendy does some shopping on sundays

wendy doesn’t any shopping on sundays.

5. her mother had a lot of beautiful dresses.

her mother hadn’t a lot of beautiful dresses.

6. i can speak english very well.

i can’t speak english very well.

7. she speaks french.

she doesn’t speak french.

8. his father had an expensive car last year.

his father didn’t h**e an expensive car last year.

9. the children are watching tv.

the children are not watching tv.

10. i h**e been to some places.

i h**en’t been to any places.

hello, boys and girls!大家都知道,陈述句家族的职责是用来叙述一个事实。其特点是句末用句"."朗读时通常用降调"↘"



am tom .我是汤姆。[系动词be型]

h**e an apple.我有一个苹果。[h**e/has(有)动词型]

like playing football.我喜欢踢足球。[实义动词型]

can cook the meals.我会做菜。[情态动词型]


am not tom.我不是汤姆。

h**e not an apple.我没有苹果。

don't like playing football.我不喜欢踢足球。

can’t cook the meals.我不会做菜。


part 1.陈述句。



he is a middle school student.


i h**e a hammer in my hand.


she teaches us english.


the new play was good enough and everybody enjoyed it.


exercise 1


1. theybe) crazy about football. are

2. ninalike) jelly. likes

3. sarahbe) born in september. was

4. she __will) go to school tomorrow. will

5. children__ play) football in this area now. are playing

6. theyenjoy) music very much. enjoy

7. hestay) at home because he had a cold. stayed

8. shewill) be at the party tonight. will

9. everyonemust) work hard. must

10. tomtake) the book away last week. took

exercise 2


1. 中国是亚洲最大的国家。

china is the largest country in asia.

2. 我打算去看电影。

i am going to watch a film.

3. 她昨天到了。

she arrived yesterday.

4. 他教英语。

he teaches english.

5. 他有一点钱。

he has a little money.



例:my brother is not a teacher.


he does not h**e a cousin.


i will not go there tomorrow.


exercise 3


1. my mother is cooking a meal in the kitchen.

my mother cooking a meal in the kitchen. isn’t

2. you must make such mistakes again.

youmake such mistakes again. must not

3. we h**e discussed the question.

wethe question. h**en’t discussed


例:li ming does not feed pigs in the countryside.


we didn’t expect to meet her right here.


exercise 4


1. i know something about it.

i __know __about it. don’t anything

2. we had a meeting yesterday afternoon.

wea meeting yesterday afternoon. didn't h**e

3)如果“h**e”作“有”讲,也可以在它后面加not构成否定式,其形式与h**e got的否定式相同。还可以加助动词构成否定形式。

例:i h**en’t any books.

i h**en’t (got) any brothers or sisters.我没有兄弟姐妹。

i don’t h**e any pens.


例:i didn’t h**e dinner yesterday. 我昨天没吃晚饭。


例:i h**en’t finished my homework yet.

exercise 5


1. i h**e a lot of work to do.

i don’t h**e a lot of work to do.

2. they are h**ing dinner.

they aren’t h**ing dinner.

3. the girl has read lots of books

the girl hasn’t read lots of books.

注意:1 句子中这些all、both、very much/well等词前有not表示部分否定,如果要完全否定,则通常使用none、neither、not…at all等。

例:not all of them went there. →none of them went there.

没有全部的人都去了那里。→ 他们全都没去那里。

not both of the twins like you.

翻译: 这对双胞胎不都喜欢你。

neither of the twins likes you.

翻译: 这对双胞胎都不喜欢你。

2 句子中含有little、few、too(太)、hardly、never、neither、nor、seldom等词时, 则视为否定句。

例:few people live there because life there is very hard. 几乎没有人生活在那里因为那里的生活太艰难了。

广州版 小学英语 陈述句 教师版

将下列句子改为否定句。1.the little boy has been to the great wall.the little boy hasn t been to the great wall.2.there is something wrong with the bike there isn...


陈述句专项知识点总结。备注 陈述句专项在新概念一lesson5 6课出现 一 陈述句的概念。陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句和否定句两种。陈述句在书写时句末用句号,而在朗读时则用降调。如 i m a student.i like dogs.i m not a teacher.二 陈...


一 陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句 the affirmative sentence 和否定句 the negative sentence 两种。陈述句在书写时句末有句号,而在朗读时则用降调。如 3 我们在水中发现了什么微生物呢?p18 i m a student.i like ...