
发布 2021-02-10 09:55:28 阅读 8820

一、陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句(the affirmative sentence)和否定句(the negative sentence)两种。陈述句在书写时句末有句号,而在朗读时则用降调。

如:3、我们在水中发现了什么微生物呢?(p18)i’m a student. i like dogs.

i’m not a teacher. i don’t like cats.





主语一般包括人称代词:i ,you, he ,she .物主代词:

this, that, 等。


be动词:is, are, am和助动词:do, dose.

和行为动词:like, eat 等。


mr. walker is an englishman.


he is not an american.






i am not a good swimmer.


i h**e not much money.


he has not many friend here.


解说:“be/h**e +not”常缩短成一词,尤其是日常谈话更是如此。例如:

you aren't a friend of his, are you ?


he isn't my brother.


下面例句是“h**e not,has not”的缩短形。例:

i h**en't a headache.



you aren't going to go to her birthday party, are you?


it isn't raining outside.


动词带有助动词“will,shall,can,may,must,need,dare,ought to,used to,had better”等时,将“not”置于助动词与主要动词之间。例如:

i will not do it again.

i won't do it again. (我不愿意再做这种事。)

the old man cannot find his way home. (那个老人找不到回家的路。)

i couldn't sleep last night. (昨夜我无法入睡。)

you ought not to swim in the river. (你不应该在河里游泳。)

you had better not tell her everything. (你最好不要样样事情都告诉她。)

注:“can”的否定形式是“cannot / can't”,不可写成“can not /cann't”。


一般动词的否定句通常使用助动词“do”,句式如下:do(does, did)+not + v(原形动词),例:

i don't know her very well. (我并不很了解她。)

he doesn't like chinese tea very much. (他并不很喜欢中国茶。)

she didn't come to school this morning. (今天早上她没有来上学。)

don't believe him. (不要相信他的话。)


usually i don't h**e (=eat) breakfast on sunday morning.


she doesn't h**e (=drink) coffee for breakfast.


we didn't h**e (=enjoy) a good time there yesterday.



i don't h**e brothers.


we didn't h**e time enough to finish the work.




she never comes to school late.


she seldom comes to see me.



i h**e no brothers.(=i don't h**e brothers.)


he has few friends in hong kong.



i know nothing about computer.


i found nobody about computer.


注:1.有些文法书认为“not +v”为句子否定法,是否定句,而“no +n.或如nothing等”为单词否定法,不宜称为否定句。例如:

he doesn't h**e brother.(否定句)

he has no brothers.(单词否定,但应视为肯定句,因为谓语动词是肯定。)


he doesn't h**e a breakfast.

he has not a breakfast.


he has no breakfast.



he is honest.


he is dishonest.(=he in not honest.)


they h**e children.


they are childless.(=the don't h**e children.)



1.amy is the best student in my class.

2.jim has a lot of stamps.

3.john studies very hard this semester.

4.bill broke the glass yesterday.

5.did he write you a letter last week?

6.open the window, peter.

7.we had a walk after dinner yesterday.


1.she doesn't h**e to go to school today.

2.my father doesn't go to his office by bus.

3.i didn't see him yesterday.

4.mr. smith won't teach us next year.

5.you need not do it today.

6.she cannot run very last.

7.she doesn't wash her clothes herself.


陈述句专项知识点总结。备注 陈述句专项在新概念一lesson5 6课出现 一 陈述句的概念。陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句和否定句两种。陈述句在书写时句末用句号,而在朗读时则用降调。如 i m a student.i like dogs.i m not a teacher.二 陈...


陈述句专项知识点总结。备注 陈述句专项在新概念一lesson5 6课出现 一 陈述句的概念。陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句和否定句两种。陈述句在书写时句末用句号,而在朗读时则用降调。如 i m a student.i like dogs.i m not a teacher.二 陈...


一 陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句 the affirmative sentence 和否定句 the negative sentence 两种。陈述句在书写时句末有句号,而在朗读时则用降调。如 i m a student.i like dogs.i m not a teache...