
发布 2021-02-10 00:13:28 阅读 1705

1. i had no signal (那会儿)手机没信号。

2. i h**en't got any cash on me 我身上没带钱。

3. nothing's wrong – i'm fine 没事,我挺好的。

4. you look lovely 你真漂亮(帅)。

5. nice to see you 看到你真高兴。

6. i'll give you a ring 我会给你打**。

7. we're just good friends 我们只是好朋友而已啦。

8. we'll h**e to meet up soon 咱们很快会再见。

9. i'm on my way 我在路上呢。

10. no, your bum doesn't look big in that


11. sorry, i missed your call 抱歉,我没收到你的**。

12. i'll give up tomorrow 明天起我就改。

13. i'm not angry with you 我没生你的气。

14. the traffic was bad 路上堵车了。

15. i've had this for ages 这东西我早就有了。

16. it wasn't that expensive 没那么贵。

17. this will be my last pint 就喝这最后一杯了。

18. i didn't get your text 没收到你的短信。

19. of course i love you 我当然爱你了。

20. our server was down 我们的主机出故障了。

21. i wasn't driving that fast 我车开的没那么快。

22. my alarm didn't go off 我设的警铃没响。

23. the cheque is in the post 支票已经寄出去了。

24. you're looking well 你看起来气色很好。

25. i'd love to see you again 真想再见到你。

26. my battery died 电池没电了。

27. it's not you, it's me 不是你,全怪我。

28. the train was delayed 火车晚点了。

29. i only h**e a little flutter 就有一点儿紧张。

30. i'm going to the gym tonight 我晚上要去健身房。

31. i don't eat too much – i h**e a slow metabolism 我吃不多,消化慢。

32. my watch stopped 我的表停了。

33. no, i'm afraid i h**en't got a spare five minutes


34. i've got a call on the other line 那边的**响了。

35. i'll phone you back in a minute 我马上给你回**。

36. i've got a terrible cold 感冒了,特难受。

37. this tastes delicious 这东西真好吃!

38. i didn't h**e that much to drink 没喝多少。

39. i've been in meetings all day 开了一天会。

40. i stayed in and had a quiet one


41. it was this big 有这么大呢!

42. i'm working late tonight 昨晚干活到深夜。

43. i bought the last one 我买的是最后一个。

44. i'm not ready for a relationship


45. it's just what i've always wanted


46. i'm going to h**e one more for the road


47. i wrote your number down incorrectly


48. you look like you've lost weight


49. my car wouldn't start 我这车打不着火了。

50. i didn't realise you fancied him/ her too



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