
发布 2021-02-10 00:10:28 阅读 9099


chapter 19 power station


section 1 words

一、机炉 furnace

1. 盲板 blind plate,blind,spacer

2. 除氧气水deaerated water

3. 加氨机ammonia injector

4. 风机入口挡板 inlet damper of blower

5. 风机出口挡板 outlet damper of blower

6. 火焰监视器 flame monitor

7. 事故放水阀 emergency drain valve

8. 点火排汽阀ignition vent valve

9. 过热器 superheater

10. 过热蒸汽减温器 desuperheater

11. 抽气器air extractor

12. 磷酸盐phosphate

13. 雾化atomization

14. 密封冲洗液 seal flushing liquid

15. 密封油泵 seal oil pump

16. 油循环oil circulation

17. lpg气化装置lpg gasification unit

18. 吹灰系统 soot blower system

19. 离子交换ion exchange

20. 酸acid

21. 树脂、胶质 resin

22. 排汽室exhaust chamber

23. 汽动给水泵steam-driven feed water pump

24. 结垢 fouling

25. 水质分析water quality analysis

26. 水质标准water quality standard

27. 硬度hardness

28. 给水母管feed water main

29. 三功能阀 three-function valve

30. 钠natrium , sodium

31. 硅silicon

二。 电气electric

1. 继电器动作relay trip

2. 继电保护relay protection

3. 自动准同期装置 auto synchronization device

4. 高压开关柜 high voltage switchboard

5. 隔离开关isolation switch

6. 负荷开关load switch

7. 电气运行 electric running

8. 励磁盘exciter panel

9. 端子排 terminal board

10. 单相接地故障 single phase earthing fault

11. 相间短路 interphase short circuit

12. 逆功率reversal power

13. 升压变压器 step-up transformer

14. 降压变压器step-down transformer

15. 电抗器室reactor room

16. 蓄电池storage battery

17. 浮充电 trickle charge

18. 定充电 boosting charge

19. 母联 bus-tie

20. 备用进线 standby incoming line

21. 直流屏direct current panel

22. 无刷励磁 brushless exciter

23. 主励磁机 main exciter

24. 旋转励磁机 rotating exciter

25. 自动电压调节器 automatic voltage regulator

26. 过励限制器 over-excitation limiter

27. 最低励磁限制器 minimum excitation limiter

28. 安全接地 safety grounding

29. 继电保护时间 relay protection time

30. 对地电压 voltage to ground

31. 线间电压 voltage between lines

32. 相间电压 voltage between phases

33. 绝缘电阻 insulation resistance

34. 一次回路 primary circuit

35. 二次回路 secondary circuit

36. 设定值 set value

37. 电流互感器 current transformer

38. 电压互感器 voltage transformer

39. 测量值 measurement value

40. 千瓦时 kilowatt hour

41. 触发信号 triggering signal

42. 越级跳闸 skip trip

43. 架空线 overhead wire

44. 电缆桥架 cable tray

45. 电线 wire

46. 验电器 electroscope

47. 试验规程 test regulation

48. 检修规程 maintenance regulation

49. 运行规程 operation regulation

50. 事故处理规程 troubleshooting regulation

51. 操作票 operating order

52. 临时用电票 temporary electricity permit

53. 热动继电器 thermal relay

54. 转换开关 transform switch

55. 一次线路图 primary circuit diagram

56. 二次线路图 secondary circuit diagram

57. 封闭母线 enclosed bus bar

58. 不间断电源 uninterrupted power supply

59. 发电机母线 generator bus bar

60. 工作母线 working bus bar

61. 备用母线 auxiliary bus bar

62. 消弧线圈 arc suppressing coil

63. 中性点电压 neutral voltage

64. 视在功率 apparent power

65. 输入功率 input power

66. 输出功率 output power

67. 防雷系统 lightning protection system

68. 合闸 switch on

69. 分闸 switch off

70. 甩负荷load shedding

71. 过电流over current

72. 低电压low voltage

73. 总负荷total load

74. 并网synchronize with the grid

75. 解列disconnect from system

76. 同期、同步 synchronization

77. 装置变电所 unit substation

78. 电厂 power plant


section 2 sentences

1. 严格执行**过滤的润滑管理规定。strictly follow the lubricant three-stage filtering management regulation.

2. 小心不要损坏轴承,轴瓦和推力面。don`t damage the bearing, bushing and thrust surface.

3. 保持辅油泵运转1小时。keep the auxiliary oil pump running for one hour.

4. 锅炉满水。 the boiler is full of water

5. 锅炉缺水。 the boiler is short of water.

6. 罐总共脱水多长时间?how long does it take for tank dewatering?

7. 及时排液,防止瓦斯带液。gas fuel is entrained with liquid which needs to be removed on time

8. 锅炉准备点火。 prepare to ignite the boiler.

9. 观察#1下油枪燃烧情况。observe burning situation of no.1 lower oil gun.

10. 停#1下油枪。get no.1 lower oil gun out of use.

11. 投#1上火嘴。put no.1 upper burner into use.

12. 停止锅炉给水。stop boiler water feeding.

13. 开启过热器疏水阀。open superheater steam trap.

14. 严格控制汽包压力。strictly control steam drum pressure.

15. 调节过热蒸汽温度。regulate superheat steam temperature.

16. 锅炉给水投入自动调节。put boiler feed water into automatic control.

17. 四号锅炉投入备用。put boiler no.4 into stand-by.

18. 四号锅炉进行油循环。put fuel oil in circulation for boiler no.4.

19. 投入锅炉蒸汽消防系统。put boiler steam firefighting system into use.

20. 调节送风机入口档板开度。regulate the inlet damper opening of forced draft fan.

21. 注意吸风机轴承温度。pay attention to bearing temperature of induced draft fan.

22. 检查送风机轴承振动情况。check bearing vibration of forced draft fan.

23. 瓦斯线加盲板。mantle blind plate to the fuel gas line.

24. 锅炉给水走旁路。 boiler feed water goes through by-pass.

25. 投入重油罐的加热器。put the heater of he**y oil tank into use.

26. 检查润滑油颜色。check the color of lube oil.

27. 检查油罐的油位。check the oil level of oil tank.

#1罐进油。feed oil for oil tank no.1.

29. 开给水泵入口阀。open inlet valve of feed water pump.

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