高考英语二轮复习专题介词和介词短语名校测试 教师

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2013高考英语二轮复习精品资料专题04 介词和介词短语名校测试(教师版)

1.【2013届北京东城区高三期末】28. look at this year's sales figureslast year's; they’re so much better.

a. againstb. from c. with d. between

2.【2013届北京海淀区高三期末】21. a broad smile spread __jack's face when he eventually gained a scholarship.

a. across b. through c. at d. in

3. 【2013届黑龙江大庆铁人中学第三阶段考试】29.as for latin america generally, there’s no reason why, _resources **ailable, it can’t become a highly industrialized area.

a.in honor of b.in f**or of c.in terms of d.in charge of

4. 【2013届河北省石家庄市第一次质检】30.the boy went swimming in the deep lakehis mother's fears for his safety.

a.regardless of b.apart from c.but for d.instead of

答案】a解析】句意:不管母亲对他的安全担心,那个小男孩去了湖的深处游泳。此处regardless of意为:不管,不顾。


5. 【2013届河北保定市期末调研】33. mike is kind, determined and full of energy.

__i can't speak too highly of him.

a. as a resultb. in a word

c. by the wayd. on the contrary


此处in a word意为:总之;as a result结果; by the way 顺便说一下; on the contrary


6. 【2013届河北衡水中学第二次模拟】33. i went along thinking nothingjust looking at things around me.

a. in brief b. in doubt c. in particular d. in harmony

7. 【2013届黑龙江哈师大附中高三期末】28. nowadays, skiing, being a sport, has become a big industry and a notable feature of leisure culture.

a. except for b. apart fromc. far fromd. due to

答案】b解析】句意:目前,冲浪除了作为一项体育运动外,它已变成一个大的产业和可观的休闲文化产业。此处except for指非同类的出去;apart from 除。。。

外,还。。。far from 远非;due to因为。


8. 【2013届黑龙江哈师大附中高三期末】22. i'd like to take a vacation in july, but i don’t want to miss the conference in mid-july.

a. on the other handb. on the whole

c. on the contraryd. on the basis

答案】a解析】句意:我想7月份去度假,可是,另一方面我又不想错过7月中旬的会议。此处on the other hand意为:另一方面。


9. 【2013届宁夏银川二中高三10月考】——lucy seems in low spirits.

— yes, all her efforts were __and no one was interested in her invention.

a. in need b. in vain c. in place d. in use

10. 【2013届成都外国语学校12月考】1. try on this red skirt; you will look greatit.

a. onb. byc. ind. for

11. 【2013届河南中原名校高三第三次联考】18.we h**e been caught the rain and are really wet___the skin.

a.in; tob.by; on

c.in; throughd.with; over

12. 【2013届河南中原名校高三第三次联考】31.who is it up___decide to hold the meeting at the weekend?

a.to; forb.for; toc.to; tod.for; for

13. 【2013届河北省邯郸市高三质检】31. i looked __the direction of the voice, only to find it was a lovely dog.

a. tob. toward c. ind. for

14. 【2013届浙江省重点中学高三联考】16. he lost his job three months ago; ,he was seriously injured in an accident last week.

a. in the first placeb. to make matters worse

c. on the contraryd. in other words

15. 【2013届贵州遵义一中12月月考】28.it was a pity that the great writer diedhis works unfinished.




2013 2014学年下学期培训中心英语专题复习学案。专题五 介词。1 方位介词。1 over,above,on below,through,across,beyond,against,under,past careful,there is a he y box 上方 your head.sun i...

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