新人教版二年级英语 上册 知识归纳人教版

发布 2020-12-26 03:05:28 阅读 9439




unit 1 word list单词表。



unit 2 word list单词表。





unit 3 word list单词表。



unit 4 word list单词表。

aunt姑姑* uncle叔叔。

unit 5 word list单词表。


subway station地铁站traffic light交通灯bus stop公共汽车站supermarket超级市场book store书店school学校hospital医院zoo动物园。


unit 6 word list单词表。


tiananmen square天安门广场the great wall长城the summer palace颐和园。

the forbidden city紫禁城temple of he**en天坛beihai park北海公园beijing zoo北京动物园*beijing duck北京烤鸭*beijing opera京剧*temple fair庙会*great伟大的的;大的。

unit 7 word list单词表。

festival节日merry愉快的christmas圣诞节christmas tree圣诞树santa claus圣诞老人bell铃present礼物card明信片stocking长happy快乐的。

spring festival春节dragon dance舞龙*****-cut剪纸lantern灯笼。

hong kong香港*toronto多伦多*sydney悉尼*rat鼠*ox牛*dragon龙*snake蛇*horse马*sheep羊*rooster鸡*pig猪。

new year新年。

unit 8 word list单词表。



1. this is my family. i h**e a happy family.2. who’s he? he’s my dad.

3. my mom is an engineer. my dad is a doctor.

4. an apple for you, dad.–thanks a lot.

5. that’s mine.= that’s my +名词。

6. what is he like? he is tall.

7. we are classmates. we are friends.

8. i’m from canada. i’m from america.

9. there is a monster. he is monkey.

10. i’m sorry. –that’s ok.

11. there is a lake in the park.

12. what can you see in the picture? i can see ducks.13. how beautiful!

14. let’s take a picture. let’s go.

let’s go boating.15. stand on the bench.

16. what a beautiful park!17.

is yaoyao pretty today?

18. this is my grandma. this is ….19. this is a taxi.

20. where are you going?–i’m going to the supermarket.

21. by taxi? no, by bus.

by subway.22. don’t play in the street.

23. where is the subway station? it’s next to the bus stop.24. i’ve got an idea.

25. h**e you been to the summer palace? yes, i h**e.

26. here is a present for you.–thank you.

27. merry christmas, mom.–you, too.

28. happy spring festival!–the same to you.29. let’s take a taxi.

30. i’m in sydney. i’m in toronto.

i’m happy in beijing.31. we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.


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