
发布 2020-12-05 13:08:28 阅读 6429

be angry with sb for sth 因某人做了某事而生气。

每人;人人, 做主语时,谓语动词用单数。

eg :is everybody here?

辨析 everybody, everyone,every one

1)everyone=everybody, everyone不仅指人也可指物,everybody只指人。

2)everyone可以用介词短语做定语,但习惯上不能用of短语作定语,而every one能。eg:every one of us has the right to work.

直到……之时;在……之前 eg:i usually stay in bed until my mother wakes me up on sundays

until 还可以作为介词,意为“直到……为止”(在肯定句中,与延续性动词连用);“在……以前不”(在否定句中,与短暂性动词连用)。eg: i shall stay here until next monday.

he didn't come until late in the evening.

7.辨析a few, few ,a little,和little

few, few 修饰可数名词,a little,little修饰不可数名词,few ,little是“几乎没有”的意思,含有否定意义,而a few 表示“少数,几个”,a little 表示“一点儿”,含有肯定意义。

eg :he had little milk today.

there are afew students in the classroom.

i h**e a few english books.

don't worry,we still h**e little time.

9.辨析also, as well,too,either

1)also 较正式,常位于情态动词或be之后,eg: he can also play basketball.

2)as well 多用于口语,常位于句尾eg:she is watching tv as well.

3)too多用于口语,常置于句尾,与前面内容常用逗号隔开,也可用在句中,前后均有逗号eg: nice to meet you ,too.

4)either 用于否定句,表示“也不”eg:he didn't go to school,either.

is +adj +(for sb) to do sth 表示(对某人)做某事怎样。

eg: it's not easy to learn english well.

it is +adj +of sb to do sth 表示“某人做某事是怎样的”

eg:it's nice of you to help me.

oneself = h**e a good/great/wonderful/time=h**e fun

test 2

1she has a sore back."

what's the matter 's matter

s the wrong 's the trouble

i h**e a toothache.""may be you should to see a __


we stayed at the beach for___days,we had fun,a .a little few lot

it's important __hands every day.

a wash wash

i __carefully,but could __nothing strange.

a heard;listen

my sister __go to bed __my mother came back last night.

a not;until 't;until 't;until 't;until

he often plays ball gamesbasketball,football and volleyball.

a for an example example the example a example

he should __lots of water.

a drinks drinks 't drink

when did you start dancing

two weeks weeks ago two weeks two weeks.


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