
发布 2020-11-26 14:21:28 阅读 4309



二、 姓名班级成绩。


二、 听音,圈出你所听到的单词。(5分)

) 1. usukusa

) 2. prccanusa

) 3. chinaaustralia canada

) 4. girlfriendboy

) 5. teacherpupilstudent


) my name is zhang peng.

) where are you from?

) this is my friend.

) we h**e two new friends today.

) i’m from shandong.


)1. a. china b. pandac. canada

)2. a. friend b. student c. teacher

)3. a. boyb. girlc. pupil

)4. a. teacher b. mr jones c. miss white

)5. a. heb. shec. new


) 1. -nice to see you again

a. nice to meet youb. nice to see you, too.

) 2. -where are you from

a. i’m from canadab. my name is mike.

) 3. -we h**e a new friend today

a. welcomeb. good morning!

) 4. -what’s your name

a. i’m from canadab. my name is milk

)5.--mike is a___and sarah is a___

girl )6.--hi,i’m am from___uk.

a. a b. the c. /


a. come in b. hello c. nice to meet you


a. welcome back b. hello c. nice to meet you


a. this is amy b. he’s from the uk c. thank you

) can you read this? b:--

a. yes, i can b. sure c. ok

六、 正确在下面的四线三格中默写出26个字母。(大小写)(10分)


1. this is mr liu. he’s a teacher2. this is miss wang. she’s a teacher

3. this girl is niuniu. she’s a student

4. this boy is chenchen. he’s a pupil. he’s from the uk.


1. a friend newshe’s

2. you where from are ?

3. i’m chinafrom

4. student a he’s .

5. from she usa is . the


china canada australia usa



1. -hi, mr jones. this is zhang peng.

---hello! zhang peng. where are you from?

---i’m from shandong.

2. hello! i’m sarah. i’m from the usa.

3. -we h**e two new students todaywelcome.

4. i’m mike. i’m from canada.


第一单元测试题。一 看拼音,写词语。10分 ch b n j l n hu p w n z qi n h ng w d o q n t n y n fu n ca du m 二 比一比,再组词。8分 胀沾掠凑。涨站谅奏。妆曾蜓咏。装增挺泳。三 照样子,填一填。4分 一 首 歌曲一 金光一 羽毛。一 ...


一 看拼音,写词语。b zh ng shu g u r zh p b di di b y y m i c ng t i x x l l p n zh ng f ng f p n ch ng 二 辨字组词。浸推欲喻 枣 奏 侵滩浴榆 速 奉 三 在括号里填上合适的词语。一 斜阳一 沙漠一 清泉一 扁舟...


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