
发布 2020-11-23 03:42:28 阅读 6553

三年级下册英语unit 1 精准检测卷班级3. 学号姓名分数。


)1. b. canada d. australia

)2. b. student she

)3. b. usa

)4. b. girl c. friend d. food

)5. b. ten c. read d. clever


) b. c. d.

) b. c. d.

) b. c. d.

) b. c. d.

) b. c. d.


)11. nice to meet you!

)12. i am from the uk.

)13. we h**e 3 new friends.

)14. where are you from?

) about your teacher and your friend.


a. b. c. d. e.


)21. a. at b. back c. cat d. cake

) b. and c. amy d. bag

) b. dad c. hand

) cake b.

) pad stand d. pan


) boy b. girlc. dogd. teacher

) pupil c. friend d. china

) today c. usa


)30. i’m from shandong. what about you?

) wu yifan, this is zhangpeng!

) from beijing.

)33. ok!

) are friends now, let’s go to school together!

)35. nice to meet you zhangpeng! where are you from?


zhangpeng:hey! yifan,look! there is a foreign(外国) girl!

yifan: 36

zhangpeng:oh,silly(傻) me ! she is amy!

yifan: 37

zhangpeng:she is from the uk. 38

yifan: 39

zhangpeng: yes. we are in the same class.

yifan: let’s go and h**e class(上课) together!

zhangpeng: 40

选项: is beautiful and lovely(可爱的)! b. great

c. who is that girld. are we in the same class?

is she from?


ajumping on the bed

there are six monkeys. one of them(其中一只) is their(它们的) mother. they are from the jungle.

the mama told them(告诉它们) to sleep(睡觉). but they jumped on the bed. they fell off and bumped their head one by one(一个接一个).

the mama called the doctor, the doctor said: no more monkeys jumping on the bed. at last they fell fast asleep(很快入睡).

then the mama jumped on the bed, fell and bumped her head,too!


)41. how many baby monkeys?

a. four b. seven

) are those monkeys from?

a. bedb. hospital(医院) d. forest

) did those monkeys do(做什么) on the bed?

a. called the mamab. called the doctor.

and felld. fell asleep at the very beginning(一开始)

) did the mama do(做什么) after(之后) those monkeys fell asleep?

asleepb. called the doctor.

fell and bumped her head.

d. fell asleep at the very beginning(一开始)

bthey are my friends!

this is a panda. it is from china. it is black and white.

this is a kangaroo. it is from australia. it is brown.

this is an eagle. it’s from america. it’s dark brown(深棕) and white.

this is a be**er. it’s from canada. and it’s brown.

they are my friends. what about your friends ?


)45. how many friends?

d. seven

) colour is the eagle?

brown b. white c. brown and white d. dark brown and white

) is the panda from?

a. canadab.

) else(其它) animal do you know(知道)?

b. horse



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