
发布 2020-11-22 06:21:28 阅读 4436





1. 写出小写字母: j k f e i g

2. 写出大写字母: df h jbg


)1.what are they ? they are

a. monkeys b. pandas c. tigers

)2. do you like fish

a. no, i do b. yes, i don’t. c. no, i don’t.

) your dad go to work on sundays?

a.. yes , she does. b. no, he doesn’tc. yes ,he does.

)4. –i don’ton satuidays.

a. go to work b. go swimming c. go to school

)5. do you likeyes, i do.

a. football b basketball c table tennis

) man is tall and thin , that man is __and

a. fat tall short short


a. lion b. noodles c. ride d. skip

e. pear f. elephant f. swim g. .basketball


)1、a. monkey b. tiger d. zoo

)2、a. fat c. thin

)3、a. kite b. orange d. apple

)4、a. football b. meat c. fish d. rice

)5、a. skip b. swim c. ride d. basketball


pear lion swim tiger apple skip run jump milk noodles

panada walk



1. pass me the meat, pleasea. meat.

2. do you play football in the morning? b. no, she doesn’t.

3. what’s your f**ourite foodc. no, i don’t.

your mum go to work on sundays? d. yes , he does.

5. do you like ricee. here you are.

tom like orangesf. no, i don’t . i like noodles.

七、根据短文,用like ,likes ,don`t , doesn`t , does ,do 填空。

hello ,my name is wanghong . i喜欢)rice and meat .i (不喜欢)noodles .

my sister`s name is wangying . she喜欢)fish and noodles . she不喜欢)riceyou喜欢)riceyour sister/brother喜欢)fish and noodles ?


1. goes school to she

2. you does meat like

3. like i riding bike my

4. bike don’t like i riding (

pass rice the (


my name is xiaoming . i like meat and rice. on monday i go to school.

my sister”s name is xiaofang . she likes apples and rice. she goes to school on mondays too .

on satuiday i don’t go to school. i go swimming and ride my bikes. xiaofang play football and watch tv.

) like meat and rice..

) likes meat and rice.

)3. on monday i go to school.

)4. on satuiday i don’t go to school.

)5. i go swimming and ride my bike on satuiday.


2012 2013第二学期三年级英语期中试卷。学校班级 姓名 一 将所给字母重新排列组成正确的单词写在四线格中。4分 二 选出不同类别的单词,将其序号填在题前括号内。18分 1 a long b apple c short 2 a man b woman c friend 3 a family b ...


班级 三年 班姓名得分。温馨提示 请保持卷面清洁,字迹清晰,含卷面分5分 一按单词首字母顺序排序。10 分 apple pig dog boy ten 二选择与 相对应的词语抄写在四线格上 10分 cat dog china family usa 三选出不同类的单词。6分 1.a.fat b.thi...


班级 三年 班姓名得分。温馨提示 请保持卷面清洁,字迹清晰,含卷面分5分 一按单词首字母顺序排序。10 分 apple pig dog boy ten 二选择与 相对应的词语抄写在四线格上 10分 cat dog china family usa 三选出不同类的单词。6分 1.a.fat b.thi...