
发布 2022-11-09 20:26:28 阅读 8687

2011-10-21 16:36:05| 分类: 家庭作业 | 标签:|字号大中小订阅。


)1、baga 书包 b 书桌c 书。

)2、pupil a 铅笔b 小学生 c 钢笔。

)3、classroom a学校b 黑板 c 教室。

)4、thank a 谢谢b 好的c 你。

)5、your a 你 b 你的c 我的。


1.good morning2 sit down __3 a blue cap __4 nine girls___5 a red cat __


)1、how are you

a i’m fine . b i’m five .

) this

ait’s yellow . b it’ a desk.

)3、what’s your mane

a i’m liping. b i’m a panda .

)4、how many boys ?_

a ten boys b ten cats

)5、point __the desk .

a too b to

)6、i’m __li.

a sam b mr

)7、hello, i’m xiaohong

a i’m fine ,thank you b hi, i’m xiaowei.

)8、good morning,boys and girls ._

a good afternoon ,ms smart . b good morning.

)9、sit __please .

a down b up

)10、now it’s a __dog .

a black b my


1男孩 boy girl 2 是 are it 3 请 please the 4 许多 many how 5 帽子 cat cap

五连线题。nine five eight seven twelve six three four


)1、good morninga i’m fine ,thank you .

)2. how are youb good morning

)3 how many dogsc my name is daming .

) your named eleven dogs

)5. what’s thise it’s a pen .


( )1、当你询问对方的名字时,应该说:

a what’your name ? b how are you ?


a point to the blackboard .b point to the window .


a it’s a green chair b it’s a chair .


a good morning. b good afternoon.


a my name is panpan .b i’m a panda.


1. to point door the

2. your what’s name

3 are you how

4 yellow a it’s panda

5 girls many how


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