
发布 2020-11-22 06:23:28 阅读 3092


听力部分 50%

. listen and judge. (听录音判断对错,对的打勾错的打叉。) 10%

. listen and number. (听录音,用阿拉伯数学排序)(10分)

. listen and draw.(根据录音内容,判断相应的**是否与录音相符,相符的打√,不相符的打× )10分)

. listen and match. (听音连线) 10%

. listen and choose. (听音选择 ) 10%

笔试部分 50%

. read and choose. (读一读,选择不同类的单词) 10%

) 1. a. red b. purple c. leg

) 2. a. pencil b. crayon c. mom

) 3. a. finger b. head c. book

) 4. a. mouth b. mouse c. monkey

) 5. a. purple b. pencil c. pencil-case

) 6. a. face b. finger c. flower

) 7. a. blue b. bodyc. black

) 8. a. pen b. pinkc. bag

) 9. a. crayon b. white c. sharpener

) 10. a. face b. footc. five

. look and choose the right word. (看图,根据身体部位选择单词的序号) 10%

1. nose.

2. mouth

5. hair

10. finger

. read and write. (读一读,写出下面单词的汉语意思) 10%

1. pencil 2. goodbye 3. head4. yellow

5. paint6. nice 7. green

8. good morning9. thank you10. happy teacher’s day

. read and choose the right answer. (单项选择) 10%

)1. -what’s your name

a. i h**e a book b. my name is tom c. this is lucy

) 2. -nice to meet you, liming

a. good morning b. nice to meet you c. thank you

) 3. -where is my bag

a. here it isb. this is my bagc. my bag is red

) 4. -hello, miss white! how are you

a. me, toob. fine, thank youc. how are you?

) 5. 我国国旗的颜色有。

a. red and blue b. red and yellow c. blue and white

) 6. 有一天,你在街上遇见一位很久没有见面的同学,你应该如何问候。

a. who are you? b. how are youc. here you are

) 7. 老师请你拍手,用英语应该这样说。

a. clap your hands b. clap my hands c. snap you hands

) 8. 别人赞扬你的东西漂亮的时候,你应该说。

a. thank you! b. noc. yes.

) 9. -happy halloween

a. thank youb. okc. nice to meet you.

) 10. -i h**e a bag

a. here it isb. thank you. c. me,too.

. look and choose. (看一看,选一选,只填序号) 10%

a. i ’m fine . thank you .

b. hi , mike .

c. let’s paint !

d. bye , mom !

e. how are you ?


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