
发布 2020-11-08 12:44:28 阅读 6226






) 1. a. his birthday is in august. b. her birthday is in may.

c. my birthday is in april.

) 2. a. she likes fall best. b. because it’s cool in fallc. i like winter best.

) 3. a. no, i can’t. b. yes, i do. c. yes, i do.

) 4. a. it’s march 8th. b. it’s spetember 10th. c. it’s october.

) 5. a. yes, i am. b. yes, i do. c. yes, it is.


)then we swim.

)i usually get up early on my birthday.

)what season is my birthday in?

)i take chocolates to my class.

)after school , i go home and play computer games.

)i eat breakfast and go to school.

)in the evening, my family goes to the beach.

)it is usually very hot.

)we h**e a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream.

)mmm, i see. it is summer.



) 1. hehiking. i go hiking

a. go...too b. goes...either c. goes...too

) 2. let'sa birthday card for our mother.

a. make b. ****** c. makes

) 3birthday is in october?

a. who b. whose c. who's

) 4. whichdo you like best?

a. season b. seasons c. a season

) 5. my mother is a teacher. she goes to school7:00the morning.

a. at...on b. at...at c. at...in

) 6. the tree le**es are green in spring.

) 7is the ninth month of a year.

a. september b. august c. october

) 8. i like winter. i cansnow.

a. play with b. play on c. playing in

) 9. winter is beautiful, but it'scold __me.

a. to...for b. too...for c. too...to

) 10. when is children’s day? it’s

a. jan. 1 b. july 1 c. june 1


1、you why spring do like ?

2、date the what’s ?

3、you when breakfast do eat ?

4、birthday july is my in .

5、f**ourite my is summer season .

七。 阅读短文,用所给字母写单词。10%

my name is chen jie. i’m from china. i live in beijing.

in my family, my brother xiao ming likes (m,e,s,u,r,m). because he can (m,i,w,s) in the lake and eat lots of ice-creams. but i don’t___k,e,l,i) summer.

it’s too __t,h,o). i likeg,n,s,p,r,i). it’s warm.

i can___a,p,t,n,l) trees. my parents like fall. because their birthdays are both in fall.

on thed,e,n,w,e,k,e), we usually __s,i,t,v,i) grandparents. sometimes we goi,k,n,h,i,g) andm,c,b,l,i) mountains. we h**e a happy family!


)1. why do you like spring?

)2. when do you go to school ? b. yes, it is.

) do you do on saturday? c. because i can plant trees.

) your f**ourite season ? d. at 6:30.

) your birthday in june? e. usually i do my homework.


hello, i am sally. my birthday is 20th. i usually get up early.

i am very happy. my parents and friends give me many presents(礼物). i don’t go to school my birthday becauseit’s __holiday.

usually i h**e a birthday party at home. we h**e a big dinner and a birthday cake. we sing and dance at the party.

i h**e a good time on my


zoom and zip are good friends. they are planning a trip(旅游) together. zip is going to sunny australia(澳大利亚)!

it's so warm there. he can swim all day. he has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜).

but zoom doesn't like swimming. he likes skating. so he is going to canada.

it's winter there now. he can skate all day. he has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).


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