
发布 2020-11-08 13:25:28 阅读 5957








)1. a. eat breakfast b. eat lunch c. eat dinner

)2. b.

)3. a. oftenb. usuallyc. sometimes

)4. b. junec. july

)5. holiday c. vacation

) play b. day c. plant

) 3:50 b. 5:30 c. 5:30

)8. a. june 5th b. june 4th c. january 5th

) national day b. teachers’ day c. children’s day

) firstb fourthc ninth



) 5 o’clockb. in 5 o’clock

) january

) i like snow. b. because i can pick apples .

) 4. a. it’s in january. b. we h**e an easter party.

) 5. don` do



)1. a saturday b sunday c .weekend

) take b usually c h**e

) spring b morning

) january b which c march

)5. a why b what c hot


1. may___缩写2. children’s day中文)

3. september缩写)4. go for a walk中文)

5.摘苹果英文) a dancing class中文)

7.十月英文) 8.堆雪人英文)

9.去游泳英文 planting day中文)


)1. my parents always go to work___7:20

a. in b. on c. at新|课 |标|第 |一| 网

)2. the boys often go __on the weekend

a. swim c. swimming

) like autumn, because the colours __pretty.

a. are b. is c. be

)4. _do you like winter? because the snow is beautiful.

b. which c. what

) often watch tv and play ping-pong __my father .

a. withb. andc. but

) the weekend , i __wash clothes ._i cook dinner., then b.

often , but c. usually, sometimes

)7is the first month of a year.

a. february b. december d. january

) 8.--when is mid-autumn day? 绿色圃。

it's usually __september october.

a. in ; on b. in ; or ; and

)9. there __lots of snow in winter .

a. is b. are c. am

)10. my birthday is __february.

a atb onc in


) 1. when do you eat often pick apples.

) 2. what do you often do in the autumn? b. at 6:00.

) you like summerc. it’s in march.

) is tree planting dayd. no, i don't.

) 5. is christmas in decembere. yes, it is.


1. will eat i with mooncakes family my (.

2. season best you which do like (?

3. do on weekend do what you the (?

4. everywhere beautiful are there flowers (.

5. when, day, mid-autumn, is (?


my name is amy. i'm from canada. i usually h**e chinese class on tuesdays.

i often go for a walk on the weekend. i like spring best. it's windy and warm.

we can go on a picnic with my family. and i like winter, too. because my birthday is in december, and i can play in the snow.

my mother’s birthday is in february. my father’s birthday is in april.

) 1. amy usually has class on tuesdays.

a. english b. chinese c. music绿色。

) 2. which is amy's f**ourite season?

a. spring and winter.

) 3. -why does amy like winter?


a. her birthday is in decemberb. she can play in the snow

c. a and b

) 4. is amy's mother’s birthday in august?


三里屯小学2015 2016学年度第二学期五年级英语团体赛期中测试。考试时间 60分钟满分 100分 成绩。第一部分听力部分 共40分 一 看图听句子。判断 是否与所听到的内容相符,相符的在括号中用 表示,不相符的用 表示。每句话读两遍。本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分 二 看图听对话,请按听到...


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