
发布 2020-11-08 13:52:28 阅读 7727




一.选出下列各组中不同类的单词。5%()1. a. monday

b. friday

d. day

) 2. a. miss

b. music

d. mrs

3. a. fat

b. tall

bigd. bag

4. a. tea

b. coke

milkd. egg

) 5. a. smartb. strict

d. sugar

二.选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。5%()1. a. beef

b. tea

d. break

) 2. a. brown

b. yellow

d. snow

) 3. a. crowb. cropd. clean

) 4. a. blackb. blow

d. block

c. sunday

c. mrc.

c.c. short

c. meet

c. window

c. cream

c. brow

5. a. coat

d. mouth

b. goatc. road

三.按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。10%1. tuesday(缩略形式)单数形式)

2. h**e(第三人称。

3. tomato(复数)

4. noodles(单数)

5. don’t(完全形式)四.选择填空。10%((

1. amy is 10old.

a. yearc. yuan

b. years

2. tomatoesmy f**ourite food.

a. isc. am

b. are

3. the first day in a week is

a. saturday

b. sunday

c. monday

4. there aredays in a week.

a. sixc. seven

b. eleven

5. i like ice-cream. it’s

a. sourc. salty

b. sweet


1. do, on, what, wednesday, do you?

连词成句)2. we h**e art and music at monday.

改错句)3. it’s saturday.


4. i like pork for lunch.


5. i h**e to eat vegetables.


hi, chen jie:new teachers?

satah:yes. we h**e two new jie:

who are they?

hi, sarah. do you h**e

satah:an english teacher, a music teacher and a chineseteacher.

chen jie:

who’s your english teacher?

wow, it’s so good.

sarah:miss white. she’s very active. her class is somuch fun.

we all like her.

what’s she like?

chen jie:

sarah:she’s tall and thin. she’s young. we h**eenglish class jie:( a new teacher.(

sarah has english classmiss white is short andmiss white is a musicsarah’s chinese teacherthat’s great!sarah has three new


1. food

2. nice

3. two maps


5. thursday

7. hurry

8. eggplant

9. do6. tasty


10. i’d like some mutton.









brown is short and thin.

h**e hamburger and water for breadfast.3.

friday, we h**e math and i like like chicken, cabbage, grapes and eggplant.


your art teacher?

chen is xiao ming’s father, is he young? day is it today?

do you h**e for lunch today?

your f**ourite food?


1. what’s your f**ourite fruit?

2. i often do my homework on saturdays.3. what day is it today?it’s wednesday.

4. is she kind?yes, she is.5. he’s tall and funny.



) 1 . a. father b. mother c. brother

) 2 . a. nine b. red

) 3 . a. long b. glasses c. green

) 4 . a. aunt b. hair c. uncle

) 5 . a. teacher b. doctor c. clerk

) 6 . a. nose b. cat c. map

) 7 . a. up b. east c. left

) 8 . a. canada b. china c.

) 9 . a. chinese b. french c. english

)10. a. now b. know c. knee


) 11. a. yellow b. red c. blue

)12 . a. down b. right c. left

)13 . a. canada

)14 . a. no b. yes

)15 . a. french



26. this is my___my __and me .

27. he is __than jenny . 28. a __of theworld .

29. in __we

30. do you __what country is __of the __liming ?



1. jenny is __高) than liming . 2。__北京)is the capital city of china .

2. _北) points up on a map . 4this is___西方) .

3. a map of __加拿大) .



11. australia

12. china

13. the

14. canada

15. the


)16. they are __than my father .

a. old b. older c. younger

)17. _do you go to school ? by bike .

a. how b. how old c. how many

)18. is your father a teacher __a worker ?

a. but b. or c. and

)19. this is __family . like it .

a. me , i b. my , i c. i , my

)20. _is he ? he is eleven years old .

a. how many b. how old c. what

)21. look __this map .

a. at b. in c. on

)22. i know my friends jenny and danny live___canada .

a. to b. on c. in

)23. _live in australia .

a. kangaroos b. queens c. niagara falls

)24. i know __canada .

a. about b. with c. in

)25. aunt wang rong is my mother‘s __

a. sister b. brother c. son


my family

her and my mother.

we like to eat noodles. we like to go for a walk aftersupper. we are a happy family.

) 26. my father is a police officer.

) 27. my father is short.

) father likes to play football and checkers.

) mother is a teacher.

) mother likes to watch tv and read books.

) am a student. i am a girl.

) am taller than my mother.

) like to eat soup.

) are a happy family.


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2014 2015学年度第一学期期中考试。黄泥堡五年级英语试卷。年级 姓名得分 一 根据汉语意思,写出正确的英语单词。每小题1分,计10分。1.how many 城市 are there in the world.2.look at the 星星 in the sky 3.my mother oft...


一 词形变换。10分 i d 完全形式sandwich 复数。know 同音词they re 完全形式。tuesday 缩略形式sun.完全形式。do homework 汉语f ourite 汉语。看电视 英语potato 复数。二 选出下列各组中不同类的单词。10分 1.a.monday b.fr...