
发布 2020-11-06 12:11:28 阅读 6116



太热some soup踢足球just right在桌子旁边a glass of milk在她前面show her around在三楼push her二、按要求写词:(10分)

1. one(序数词2. behind(反义短语3.

second(基数词4. hot(反义词5. any(近义词6.

glass(复数7. she(宾格8. house(复数9.

hard(反义词10. unberlla(复数。

三、用所给词的适当形式填空:(10分)1. there __be) some orang juice in the glass.

2. i’d like somesoup).3.

how manyhouse) are there4be) you tired5. let’s __go) and play.

6. there are somecomputerroom) on this floor.7.

there is somecoffee) in the cup.8. it’s time __h**e) lunch.

9. there __be) a swing and some balls in the playground.四、根据首字母或中文提示填空:

(10分)1. i’m h___i want to h**e some bread.2.

they f___their cousin in his bedroom.3. there is a garden in f___of the house.

4. he is a new shere.5.

the kite is too h___

6. tuesday is the第三) day of the week.7.

are there __一些)trees in the playground.8. the dog is on the秋千).

9. it’s time for __晚餐).

10. my schoolbag is to重的).五、选择题:(30分1.—what’s in the basekball—__some bananas.

a. there are2.—where are the jackets

___on the bed.

are3. are there __pears on the table

milk in the fridge.

isn’ isumbrella behind the door.

here’s a cup of tea __you.

___you like—i’d like __soup.

___your sister—she is __

let __h**e a look.

in the classroom


your box—there’s a bird.

our classroom is on __second floor.

it is time___home.

goc14. there __any lamps in the study.

these flowers—five yuan.


1. there are twenty desks in the classroom.(对划线部分提问are there in the classroom2.

i can make some cakes.(对划线部分提问)__can __make

is some milk in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答milk in the fridge

4. there are some books on the table.(改为否定句)therebooks on the table.

5. the balls are under the bed.(对划线部分提问balls

6. there are some swings in the playground.(改为一般疑问句swings in the playground7.

push me.(改为否定句)

___push me.


a footballthe bed.2.桌子上有一些牛奶。

there __some __on the table.3.这个女孩感到害怕吗?__the girl4.我不喜欢这些蛋糕,它们太硬了。

i __like these cakes, they are5.你们班上有多少男生?

boysin your class6.我们去看看吧。

let’s __and h**e a __7.篮子里有一些鸡蛋吗?

___thereeggs in the baskets八、阅读短文,选择正确答案:(10分)

this is helen’s bedroom. it’s new and nice. a bed and a chair are in it.

there’s a picture on the wall. there are three people in the picture. the man is her father .

thewoman is her mother.

) bedroom is it

a. tom’s helen’s helen’sparent’s bedroom.( is the bookcase

a. it’s on the it’s in the picture.( there a picture on the wall

a. yes, it is.

b. yes, there is.

c. no, there isn’t.

c. it’snear the bed.

) that woman

a. she’s helen’s she’s helen’s she’s helen’s teacher.()the computer

a. some english books. b. some song booksc. some storybooks.


一 学生的学习情况及突出的问题。从平时测验可以看出学生听力能力强,语音 语法较弱,但是也有一批学生综合能力较强。针对以上分析的学情,在接下来的复习过程中,我准备以听 说 读 写为主要的形式,以英语基础知识为主要内容,指导学生在听说读写的过程中系统地梳理所学知识,从单词到词组到句子到短文,全面把握所学...


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