
发布 2020-11-06 06:29:28 阅读 3959




一、read and find (找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。)(10分)

) 1. a. tuesday b. saturday c. village

) 2. a. bathroom b. kitchenc. clothes

) 3. a. tvb. computer c. shelf

) 4. a. sweetb. sourc. strict

) 5. a. oldb. onc. funny




do not(缩略形式sun.(完全形式。

do housework(汉语in a nature park(汉语。


三、read and match.(读句子,连线) (20分)

what can you doit’s thursday.

what's he likefish.

what do you h**e on tuesdaysi can make the bed

what's your f**ourite fruithe is strong.

what day is it todaywe h**e math and


) 1. mr lin is our math teacher. he’s a

a. boyb. manc. woman

) 2. what do you h**e __mondays?

a. onb. forc. to

) 3. is he stricthe is.

a. nob. yesc. yes

) 4. potatoes __my f**ourite food.

a. areb. isc. am

) 5. is he tallhe’s short.

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. no, he is.

) 6. what’s __chinese teacher like?

a. youb. yourc. you’re

) 7. there are___days in a week.

a. sixb. sevenc. eight

) 8. i often watch tv __saturday .

a. onb. inc. at

) 9. i like don’t like music.

a. butb. andc. so

) 10. this is __apple. it is___red apple.

a. a, ab. an, anc. an, a

) 11. what can youi can set the table.

( )12. it’s timeschool .

) 13. can you water the flowers?—yes

a. i can can’t c. i know

( )14is the bridge?—it’s near the wall.

a. how

) 15is the bridge?—it’s near the wall.

a. how


)1.在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: _

a.good morning. b.how are you? c.happy teachers' day!

)2.当你把你爸爸介绍给miss wu时,你应说: _

a. this is miss wu. b.miss wu, this is my dad. c.he is my dad.

)3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:__

a. thank you. b. not at all. c. you're welcome!


a. how old are you? b. goodbye. c. nice to meet you!

)5. 当问别人岁数时,应该说:__

a. how are you? b. how old are you? c. very well, thanks

)6. 你想描述你的数学老师?

like my math teacher. math teacher is tall and thin. english teacher is tall and thin.

)7. 你想加入别人的游戏时,,应该说:__

a. can i help you? b. let me tryc. can i join you?

)8. 你想知道luucy怎样时,应该说:__

a. what’s lucy like? b. how old is lucy? c. what’s lucy look like?

)9. 你想告诉爸爸书架上有本书,应该说:__

a. there is a book in the shelf. b. this id a book on the shelf.

c. there is a book on the shelf.

)10. 你想跟同学说你有自己的房间了,应该说:__

a. i h**e my own room . b. i h**e a room .

c. i h**e my own home .

六、make sentences according to the words below (连词成句。)(15%)

1)you can table set the ?

2) your food what’s f**ourite ?

3) english what’s like teacher your ?

4) day is what today it ?

5) is a park there river in the ?


amy: what day is it today?

tom: it’s monday. hmm…i like monday.

amy: what do you h**e today?

tom: we h**e math, science and art. what about you?

amy: we h**e english and what do you h**e tomorrow?

tom: we h**e art and tomorrow.

amy: oh, great.

( )1. tom has math, science and art on monday.

) 2. tom has art and on monday.

) 3. amy has english and today.


亲爱的同学们,经过我们共同的努力,度过了五年级上学期的快乐时光。现在是你收获的时候啦,快快拿起笔,在学习园地里收获你的果实,祝你取得优异的成绩!一 从下列各项中,找出一个不同类的单词 1.a.january b.february c.monday d.may mine b.ic.hers d.his...


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