
发布 2020-11-04 15:20:28 阅读 3444

my weekend

there are two days on the weekend, saturday and sunday. on saturday, i often take a dancing class in the morning. i often do my homework in the afternoon.

on sunday, i often visit my grandparents in the morning and read books in the afternoon. in the evening, i often watch tv with my parents. we often h**e

a good time.

my seasons

4、宏观营销环境分析we h**e four seasons in a year. i can do many interesting things in each season. in spring, it is cool and windy, i can fly kites.

and i can go hiking with my family too. summer is hot, but i like summer. i can go swimming.

fall is a good season. i can eat yummy fruits in this season. i can watch the le**es fall.

in winter, it’s often snowy. we can play with snow and make a snowman. i love seasons.

what about you?

300元以下 9 18%my birthday party

every year, when it’s my birthday, my parents h**e a party for me. they invite my friend to my home. i can get many beautiful gifts every year.

in my party, we can do many things:

1、作者:蒋志华 《市场调查与**》,中国统计出版社 2024年8月 §11-2市场调查分析书面报告sing a “happy birthday” song. make a wish.

eat the cake.

自制饰品一反传统的饰品消费模式,引导的是一种全新的饰品文化,所以非常容易被我们年轻的女生接受。open the gifts. sing and dance.

play games. say goodbye with each other. that’s my birthday party.

what about your birthday?


培养动手能力□ 学一门手艺□ 打发时间□ 兴趣爱好□

my family

there are five people in my family. they are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and i. look!

grandma is watching tv. grandpa is reading a book. dad is writing an e-mail.

mom is cooking dinner. i am doing my homework. i love my family!


新材料手工艺品。目前,国际上传统的金银、仿金银制成饰品的销售在逐步下降,与此形成鲜明对比的是,数年以前兴起的崇尚然风格、追求个性的自制饰品--即根据自己的创意将各种材质的饰珠,用皮、布、金属等线材串出的品,正在各国的女性中大行其道。in the park

it is sunny today .my mother, my father and i go to the park. it is very big and beautiful .

there are many trees, flowers and people in it. look! an old man is sitting on the chair.

he is reading a book. two boys are jumping. two birds are flying.

the ducks are swimming in the river. what is the cat doing? oh, it is running.

they are very happy.

1) 政策优势。

此次调查以女生为主,男生只占很少比例,调查发现58%的学生月生活费基本在400元左右,其具体分布如(图1-1)at the zoo

it is a nice day. we go to the zoo. look!

there’re many animals. the elephant is drinking water. the rabbits are jumping.

the dogs are playing. the bear is playing a ball. the monkey is dancing.

the cat is playing music. the panda is doing morning exercises.


一 单词 eat breakfast brekfst 吃早餐上午 h e class 上 课 下午。play sports 进行体育运动why 为什么。exercise ekssaz 活动 运动shop 去买东西 购物。do morning exercises做早操work w k 工作x k b ...


pep英语五年级下册各单元单词词汇表unit 1 morning exercises 晨练 第86页。breakfast 吃早饭 english class 上英语课 进行体育活动 dinner 吃晚饭 什么时候 关于 大约 警察 工作 夜晚 晚上 up 起床 在 点钟 通常 一般 中午 告诉 sh...

PEP英语五年级下册各单元单词词汇重点句型汇总 精

黔西南州望谟县打易镇中心小学。unit 1 词汇。 morning exercises 晨练第86页。 breakfast 吃早饭。3.h e english class 上英语课。 sports 进行体育活动。 dinner 吃晚饭。6.when 什么时候。...