
发布 2020-11-02 23:36:28 阅读 5871



1. 属于他的。

2. .为某人而担心。

3. 赶上某人。

4. .发带的主人。

5. 尽可能多的。

6. 从……逃走。

7. 假装睡着了。

8. .用完,耗尽。


)1. —is gina in the classroom? —no, she __be there. she has gone to the library.

a. mustn’t b. may not c. couldn’t d. can’t

)2. no one in china doesn’t know taiwanchina.

a. belong to b. belongs to c. must be d. may be

)3. some students pretendedwhen the teacher came in.

a. learning b. to learn c. being learning d. be learning

)4. iall the money and had no money to take a bus, so i had to walk home.

a. made up b. looked up c. used up d. set up

)5. my mother is really __because i’m badly ill.

a. excited b. tired c. anxious d. cool

)6. chou toufu __good. i can’t wait to eat it.

a. feels b. smells c. sounds d. becomes

)7. there is __snow in liaoning and it’s __cold in winter.

a. too much ;much too b. too much, much too

c. too much, too much d. much too, much too

)8. be careful __the cars and buses when you walk in the busy street.

a. at b. for c. ond. of

)9. jack’s bike is blue, so this yellow onebe his.

a.mustn’t b.can’t c.couldn’t d.mightn’t

)10. who’s knocking the door, lucy?—it __be mr.

smith. he said he would come here at this time.

a. can b. may c. should d. must

) called the police but didn’t find

a.anything strange b.strange anything c.nothing strange d.strange nothing


1. when my mother came back, i pretendedsleep)

2. be carefulnot play ) with fire.

3. it must be lucysing) in the next room.

4. it’spossibly) for us to achieve our dream if we worked hard.

5. yesterday a stonedrop) from a truck and hit an old man passing by.

6. there was an accident on the high way and a reporter was interviewing theown) of the car.


villagers in the mountains used to be very poor.(否定句)

the villagers in the mountainsto be very poor.

2..this bike must be sonia’s.(同义句) this bike mustsonia.

3..we can’t find anything special.(同义句) we can find

4..both fei junlong and nie haisheng are going to give them a talk next week.(否定句)

fei junlongnie haisheng __going to give them a talk next week.

5..work hard on your english, and you’ll make great progress.(同义句)

work hard on your english,__make great progress.

used up all his money so he had to asked the police for help.(同义句)

heall his money so he had to asked the police for help.


1.你无法叫醒假装睡觉的人。you can’t wake a person who isbe asleep.

2.那个犯人昨天晚上从监狱逃跑了。the prisonerthe prison last night.


imy little dog for two days, i am veryit.

4.睡觉前别忘了关灯。don’t forgetthe lights before you go to bed.

5.不要让过去耗尽现在太多的时间。don’t let yesterdaytoo much of today.

6.这个背包不是我的,可能是李雷的。the backpack doesn’tme,itli lei’s.

7.不要大声吵闹,邻居们都在休息呢!don’t __a bigourare sleeping.


1. listen! some of the girls __talk) about harry potter.

2. —where is mr. green now? i h**en’t seen him for a few days.

—he __go) to hong kong.

3. you’d better __not eat) too much meat. you are already overweight.

4. “titanic” is a very nice film. i __see) it twice.

5. there __be) an english evening next monday.

6. i spent half an hour __finish) doing my homework.

7. the teacher told xiao ming __not be) late for school again.

8. please write to me as soon as you __reach) shanghai.

9. mr. le is out. but he __be) back in ten minutes.

10. when the headmaster came into the hall, all the students __stand) up.


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