
发布 2020-10-22 12:11:28 阅读 3302


一、listen and choose. 听音选词。选出句中所含有的单词或词组,将序号填入括号。5`

)1.a. japan c. france

)2.a. flying a kite b. playing a piano c. reading

)3.a. a singer b. a dancing c. an actor

)4.a. reporter b. bankc. vegetable

)5.a. mopb. schoolbag c. dolphin

二、listen and tick or cross. 判断听到的句子与所给的句子是否一致,相同的在括号内打"√"不同的在括号内打"╳"10`

)1. i’m in class one, grade five.

)2. i want to be a doctor.

)3. is your father a farmer?

)4. whose textbook is this? it’s mine.

)5. we’re going to h**e an english party this afternoon.

三、listen and number. 听句子,按听到的句子顺序给下列图编号,把1.分别填入括号中。10`

四、listen and fill in the blanks.听录音,补全短文。请选择正确的单词或词组将短文补充完整。打勾或画横线都可以。5`

this is my mother.she's 38.she works ina bank, a primary school ).she is ateacher, nurse).she gets up very early every morning.then she goes to school bybus, taxi).at school, she teacheschinese, english).she works very hard and often goes home late.after supper, she does housework with my father.she mops the floor and my father cleans the table.she likespainting, reading books) and news*****s.so she often reads very late.on the weekends, we go to see my grandparents together.


一、read and fill in the blanks. 读一读,填一填。请根据**提示选择正确的字母组合填空。5`

a. ox b. or c. ea d. ch e. er

t___ch bdoct___sharpenwat___


) try this one red.

a. in b. on c. at

) too big you

a. to b. for c. of

) 3.-i’ll buy you a new bike

a. ok b. yes c. thank you

) can you find out about animals?

a. at the zoo b. in library c. on tv

) are the books, please?--

a. on shelf b. on the shelf c. in the shelf

) easy a computer.

a. with b. to c. about

) want to make e-card for you.

a. a b. two c. an

) are you going to drink tonight ?

eat rice b. i’m going to drink tea.

) did you eat last night ?

eat eggs b. i ate fish did ate rice

) is going to chinese food me

a. cooked, for b. cook, for c. cooking for


1. is , what , mother , your(?)

2. is , a , she , nurse(.)

3. name , what , is , his(?)

4. name , her , is , carla(.)

5. i , eleven , am(.)

6. class , you , in , what , are(?)

7. where , you , from , are(?)

8. come , i , from , china(.)


tom:who’s that girl , linda ?

linda: 1

tom: 2

linda:her name is li yan .

tom: 3

linda:she’s nine .

tom:is she in class three ?

linda: 4

tom5 linda:no , she’s good at english .

a. yes , she is .

b. she’s my friend .

c. how old is she ?

d. what’s her name ?

e. is she good at maths ?

四、please make words according to the pictures.根据图画写出正确的单词。12`

2. merfar

五、read and match. 读一读,找一找。请为下列问句找到正确的答语,把答案序号填在前面括号内。10`

)1. what class are you ina. i want to be a nurse.

)2. do you like shoppingb. his name is li lei.

)3. whose t-shirt is thatc. he’s my uncle.

)4. what’s his named. she is a dancer.

)5. is this your drume. it’s mine.

)6. where are you fromf. yes, i do.

)7. who’s heg. i’m in class two, grade five.

)8. are these lisa’s mugsh. yes, it is.

)9. what do you want to bei. i am from england.

)10. what’s your sisterj. yes, they are.


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龙政小学2014秋期期末试卷。五年级语文。亲爱的同学,有付出就有收获。相信通过认真审题,细心作答,你一定能取得优异的成绩。请把字写工整 规范,有2分的书写卷面分哦!祝你成功!1 听力测试。3分 1 认真听老师读短文,在做题。3分 1 这段话主要是写。2 短文是从这三个方面来突出鸵鸟的这个特点的。二 ...