
发布 2020-10-21 06:46:28 阅读 4137



(时间:90分钟满分:100分 )


) 1、怎样 a、how b、wear c、read

) 2、多雨的 a、cloudy b、rainy c、snowy

) 3、彩色蜡笔 a、crayon b、cloud c、pencil

) 4、直尺 a、whose b、who c、ruler

) 5、星期,周 a、work b、desk c、week

( )6、他的 a、her b、his c、she

) 7、这些 a、this b、those c、these

) 8、七月 a、june b、july c、april

) 9、四十 a、ninety b、sixty c、forty

)10、在…后面 a、behind b、under c、on


ab )1、how old are youa、she is in the library.

)2、when is children’s day? b、i’m ten years old.

)3、how are youc、june first.

)4、where is jennyd、it’s cold and snowy.

)5、how’s the weather today? e、january.

)6、what’s your f**ourite month? f、i’m fine



a、what day is it ? b、how’s the weather in beijing


a、whose pencil is this? b、is this your pencil ?


a、my birthday is on december.

b、my birthday is in december.


a、this is danny. b、hello,danny.


a、what day is it ? b、what time is it?


a、march is the third month of the year.

b、march is three month of the year.

)7、当同学对你说:nice to meet you !你应说:

a、nice to meet you ,too! b、thanks.


a、what is itb、you are welcome.


a、where’s my pencil? b、is this your pencil?


a、how’s the weather today? b、what’s the date?


)1、kim isher desk.

a、beside b、in c、on

)2、it’s pencil.

a、heb、he’s c、his

)3、thisa pupil.


)4、my birthday is __july.

a、on b、inc、of

)5、how many months are there in a year ? there are .

a、twelve b、ten c、twenty

)6is the fifth month of the year.

a、may b、 february c、saturday

)7it’s time lunch

a、onb、for c、at

)8this is a day.

a、wind b、rainyc、cloud

)9xiao li is red skirt.

a、wear b、play on c、wearing

) 10、these crayons.

a、areb、is c、am

)11、the boyred shorts is the second.

a、with b、in c、on

)12、january first is

a、spring festival b、teachers’day

c、new year’s day

)13、they are my

a、ruler b、crayons c、pencil

)14、ais it ?

b: april 28.

a、what b、what time c、when

)15、when is national day

a、june first b、may first c、october first







)1、a 、between b、besidec、pupil

)2、a 、twelveb、eightyc、forty

)3、a 、hisb、shec、her

)4、a 、whoseb、deskc、blackboard

)5、a 、cloudyb、sunc、wind

)6、a 、monthb、yearc、friend

)7、 a 、november b、tuesday c、january

)8、a 、rulerb、crayonc、weather

)9、a 、snowb、sunnyc、rain

)10、a 、yourb、whenc、how


1. is the in danny classroom .

2. how’s in may weather the ?

3、your when is birthday ?

4、how books many do h**e you ?

5、 is what it time ?


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