
发布 2020-10-19 11:49:28 阅读 1715


五年级英语 (人教新版。


一、 请根据听到的短文选择合适的单词填空,将其序号填在横线上。(6分)

there are some animals over there. look at this __and herthey are very lovely! this is a mothershe has threethey are playing together.

what are these? are theyno. they arethey are swimming in the pond.

a. pig

二、 请根据听到的短文选择合适的短语填空,将其序号填在横线上。(6分)

look, there are some corners in our classroom. this is ourwe can __on tuesday and thursday. it’s very interesting.

this is ourwe can __on monday. this is ourwe often __on wednesday. we are very happy.

a. art corner plants and animals computers

d. science corner printing on the ***** corner

三、 请根据听到的句子顺序用1-6为下列**标号。(6分)

四、 听录音,根据你听到的对话内容,为下列各题选择正确**的序号。(6分)


) s your name

( )do you do in the library?

books. storybooks. at cartoons.

( )many english classes do you h**e a week?

( )do you play the piano?

the music club. the music room. the music corner.

( )you paint in the art room?

can. can ’t. ,we can ’t.



) 1. b .teacher

) 2. b .game

) 3. b .chick

) 4. b .fever

) 5. b .soap


) 1. what’s wrong __you? i h**e a headache.

b . ) 2some flowers on the table.

b .there are is

) 3. what’s that __english? it’s a goat.

) 4are they? they are seventy yuan.

much b .how many old

) 5. you should go to __a doctor.

at b .watch

) 6. i want to buy a walkman. here

you b .you are you

) 7. are there __games for girls?


) 8. a cow and a calf __a family.

) 9. now i will show youour school.


) 10. look at thosethey are very beautiful.

b .cherry


are some __for lessons

’t worry the violin

the to school

oftenin the music football

knee is hurt. i can’新鲜的) strawberries


a. art fried trips b. sports shoes c. do speaking

d. play the piano e. do project work

a. play basketball b. walkman c. headache

d. a get - well books


take themb. can i help you? are too big for me.

d. may i try them much are they?

a:(1b:i want a pair of shoes.

a: what about this pairb:(2

a: certainlyb:oh, (3can you show me that pair?

新版Pep人教版小学五年级英语下册复习 全册

unit 1 my day 1 when 什么时候 at 在 点钟 get up 起床 do morning exercises 晨练 eat breakfast 吃早饭 eat lunch 吃午餐 eat dinner 吃晚饭 h e english class 上英语课 play sports ...


unit 4 is there a library in your class?lesson21 教学目标。1.知识目标 a.使学生掌握句型 are there where do you 及答语。b.掌握短语 play football basketball volleyball rugby hoc...


新版pep小学英语五年级下册unit2theyarehensandchicks.教案。团三小胡雅利。一 教材分析 本课为五年级下册第二单元故事教学课。故事大致内容 小猴子要给森林里的各种小动物照张合影,为了顺利吸引各处的小动物前来拍照,micky 先后扮成绵羊,鸭子,狮子,马,把小动物集合起来照张 ...