
发布 2020-10-18 15:13:28 阅读 4821


一、 单词拼写,找出所缺的字母,把序填在括里。

)1. jan__ ry a. au b. oa c. ua d. ao

)2. ch__ t a. ar b. ia c. er d. or

)3. a__ l a. irp b. ipr c. pir d. pri

)4. cou__ n a. is b. zn c. si d. se

)5. f__ th a. oor b. our c. oru d. ore

二、 从栏中找出与栏相对应的汉语,把序填在括里。

ab )1. when is your birthdaya. 我正在给比利做电子贺卡。

)2. national day is on october 1stb. 你们家谁的生日在十二月?

)3. there are four birthdays inc. 今天是几月几日?

september in my class .

)4. what’s the date todayd. 我们班九月份有四个过生日的。

)5. i’m ****** an e-card for billye. 每个人都希望得到生日贺卡。

)6. i want a birthday party for my birthday. f. 你的生日是什么时候?

)7. whose birthday is in december in g. 我的生日在七月。

your family ?

)8. my birthday is in julyh. 我过生日想开一个生日派对。

)9. my birthday gift is a new watchi. 我的生日礼物是一块新手表。

)10. everyone likes to get birthday cards . j. 国庆节***一日。

三、 选词填空,把序填在括里。

)1is your birthday ?

a. what b. how c. where d. when

)2. my birthday isjuly .

a. on b. in c. at d. to

)3. tom’s birthday ismay 6th .

a. on b. in c. at d. to

)4your birthday in february ?

a. is b. are c. is d. are

)5. how manyare there in january ?

a. birthdays b. any birthday c. birthday d. some birthday

)6. juneis children’s day .

a. one b. 1 c. first d. oneth

)7. i’m ****** a birthday chartmy family .

a. to b. at c. for d. with

)8. 20th is

a. twentieth b. twenty c. twentie d. twentieth

)9day is september 10th .

a. teacher’s b. teachers’ c. teachers d. teacher

)10. whoa birthday in october ?

a. is b. has c. are d. h**e

四、 根据中文完成下列英语句子。

1、 我最喜欢的季节是春天和冬天。

myare springwinter .

2、 妈妈,今天是我的生日。

today ismom .

3、 这是我们家的生日表。

this is afor my

4、 从九月到一月我们在学校学习,但是七月和八月我们通常放假。

we study at school fromto

we are always on holidays inand

5、 妇女节在三月八日。

ismarch 8th .

五、 阅读理解,判断句子正误。(正确的在括里写t,错误的写f)

our school begins from september . we should study at school from september to january . then we’ll h**e our winter holiday .

during these study days , we h**e some holidays . in september we h**e teachers’ day . national day is on october 1st .

and there is a very important day for foreigners . that is christmas day . it’s on december 25th .

)1. we usually study at school for four months .

)2. we only h**e one holiday during study days .

)3. teachers’ day isn’t important for chinese people .


二、fjdca hbgie

三、dbaca ccdbb

四、1. f**ourite seasons and 2. my birthday 3. birthday chart family

4. september january july august 5. day on



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