
发布 2020-10-17 22:45:28 阅读 7863

pep book6 unit 3 测试卷。


一. 听录音,圈出正确**。(10分)

a ba b a b

a ba b

二. 听录音,判断对错,正确打“√”错误打“×”10分)

三. 听录音,在下面句子空格处填上相应的单词,使句子完整。(10分)

1.__has a birthday in

3.__is teachers’ dayit’s

isin our class.

bill’s birthday is in july,my __is in __too.


) do. doesn’t. do.

) are two birthdays in february.

birthday is in march. birthday is in summer.

) monday. apr. 24th . fine.

) sep.10th. mar.8th. oct.1st.

) father’s birthday is in may. is in summer.

is very cold.


笔试部分 六.根据上下文意思选出适当的词填在横线上,每空一词。(10分)

does doesn’t send sending card e-card birthday what what’s date day like likes doing can’t

a:what are you __

b:i am __mike an __

a:is hisin may?


a:__the __

b:may 29th.

a:does he h**e a computer?

b:no,he __

a:then he __see the make a birthday __

b:great! everyone __to get birthday cards.


the date?

your birthday in september?

the children’s day in july?

is your mother’s birthday?

your f**ourite season?


a:it’s april month is my mother’s birthday.


a:may 3rd.

ba:my birthday is in august


ab:no,my birthday isn’t in in august too,aug. 4th.

a:me can h**e birthday party together.


miss white is an english the students like her very is march the morning,she gets two is a birthday from her student, her birthday is next second letter is also from says:“dear miss white,i’m sorry for the a don’t read the card until month!”

) is a careless girl. (white’s birthday is march 25th.

) birthday card is from lucy.

) birthday is april 25th .(wants to send the card early.



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