
发布 2020-09-30 09:12:28 阅读 3518

unit two


听力部分。一、 听录音,选出所听到的选项,本题读两次。(10分,每小题1分)


)3、a. go to bed b. go to school c. go home


)6、 class b. music class c. computer class

)7、a. five


)9、a. hurry

)10、a. twob. tenc. time



)1、 2:30. time to go home. a cat.

)2、 my desk. right. it is.

)3、a. it’s on the second floor. h**e 6. c. school is over.


)5、 a teacher. a nurse. a farmer.

)6、 it isn’t. b. yes,it is. c. no,it is.

)7、 11:00. b. let’s play football. time to go home.

)8、a .it’s a map. on the second floor. c. it’s in the desk.

)9、 you. my pants. pink.

)10、 can see 10. h**e 10. 10.


it ? it’so’clock.

3class is over. let’s go and h**eclass.

how many pictures can you see ?

b: i can see




)1、 b. art room d. tv room

)2、a. white b. purple c. colour d. blue

)3、a. peach c. pear d. fruits

)4、a. bread b. food c. hot dog

)5 、 b. fifty c. too

)6、a. beautiful home

)7、a. 4:20 b. 2:50 c. 8.30 d . 8:05

)9、a. bread tea


)1、 a:is this the canteen? b: yes

a. it is isn’ isn’t

)2、a:what’s___name? b: her name is bai ling.

a. his b. her

old much c. how many

)5、how many __are there in your class

b. girl c. boys

)6、a: where is the art room? b:it’s on __first floor.

)7、ais it? b:it’s 10:10.

time )8、it’s 12:00is ready.

)9、a:is that the teacher’s office?b

it is. aren’ ,it isn’t.

)10、it’s time __go to school.


1.is , time, it ,what (?

an, art , room, is (?

3. bed ,time, it, is, go, to ,to (.

4. for, math, time, class, it’s (.

5. is, breakfast, ready (.


chen jie:what time is it?

sarah:it’s 11:40.

chen jie: let’s go to the canteen.


chen jie: wow, like fish.

sarah:i like chicken.

chen jie: what time is it now?

sarah: it’s 1:50.

chen jie:it’s time for go.

) go to the canteen at 11:40.


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