年小学英语四年级上学期M1 10知识小结

发布 2020-09-30 05:49:28 阅读 9533

module 1

句型:1. 一般现在时特殊疑问句的问答,注意第三人称单数作主语时的特殊变化:

-- where do you live?

-- i live in beijing.

-- where does she live?

-- she lives in london.


2. 现在进行时特殊疑问句的问答,注意be动词随人称所发生的变化:

-- what are you doing?

-- i am reading a book.

-- what is she doing?

-- she is reading a letter.

-- what are they doing?

-- they are playing football.

易错:(1) 不同人称与be动词现在式三种形式am, is, are的搭配容易产生混淆;(2) 对you提问时,回答需要用i或we; (3) 动词原形加ing的三种方式: 直接加;去e加,例如make-******;双写加,例如run-running.

3. be动词过去式相关句型:

it was my birthday on saturday.

we were at buckingham palace.


4. i h**e got… /she has got…

易错:三单作主语用has got…,非三单作主语用h**e got…,学生有时还会产生混淆。

搭配:in london 大地点(例如:国家、城市等)前用in,小地点(例如:家、机场等)前用at。


dear xxx,from,xxx

photo of, a picture of 一张…的**。

my birthday 在具体的某一天,介词用on

in april 在某月,介词用in

to me 写给某人,介词用to

me about… 告诉某人关于…的事,表“关于”介词用about

you for your letter 因为某事而感谢某人,表示“因为”介词用for.



yesterday, i cleaned my room.

i washed my trousers. they were very dirty.

yesterday, mr smart cooked noodles.

搭配:1. clean my/your/his/her/our/your/their /…s room 打扫…的房间。

2. finish my/your/his/her/our/your/their/…’s homework 完成…的作业。

3. wash my/your/his/her/our/your/their/…’s trousers/clothes… 洗…的裤子/衣服…

4. phone sb. 打**给某人

module 3




肯定句中动词用过去式,规则变化是加ed, 以e结尾动词直接加d;否定句中用助动词didn’t + 动词原形)

i usually get up at six. i didn’t get up at six yesterday.

i got up at eight yesterday.

lingling usually walks to school on mondays

lingling didn’t walk to school yesterday.

she stayed at home.



搭配:1. “在几点“,时间前用介词at: 例如:get up at half past six

2. walk to… 走着去… 也可以说是go to …on foot.

3. play with the/my/his/her/their toys 玩…的玩具 (介词with 容易忘记)

4. ride a/my/his/her/…’s bike 骑自行车。

module 4

句型。一般过去时句子表示很久以前发生的事情,肯定句中动词用过去式,规则动词+ed变为过去式(以字母e结尾的规则动词+d),否定句用助动词didn’t + 动词原形。

chinese people invented *****.

american people didn’t invent printing. (易错:有时孩子会出现didn’t + 动词过去式的错误。)

搭配:1. look at… 看…

2. in 1839 “在某年”,年份前用介词“in”

3. 国家名和相对应的“国家的”、“国家的人”、“国家的语言”的辨析:

例如: china --chinese

america --american

england --english

mexico --mexican

india --indian

france --french

russia --russian

module 5

句型:一般过去时句子表示过去发生的事情,肯定句中动词用过去式,否定句用didn’t + 动词原形。本模块主要讲动词的不规则变化,不规则动词的过去式需要个别记忆。

we went to the great wall. (go – went)

we saw lots of mountains. (see – saw)

we ate biscuits and apples. (eat – ate)

you had a good time. (h**e – had)

we bought you a present. (buy – bought)

i wore warm clothes. (wear – wore)

i fell over. (fall – fell)

i learnt to skate. (learn – learnt/learned)

i didn’t fall over again.

搭配:1. go to + 地点 “去…”

例如:go to the great wall; go to the park; go to the zoo; go to school

易错:“去上学”go to school, 容易错加the)

2. go on a school trip

3. go ice-skating 去滑冰。

4. learn to do sth. 学习做…

例如:learn to skate

例如:learn skating; learn english

module 6


例: ma liang was a good boy.

ma liang painted food.

he had a paintbrush.

2.一般过去时否定句,注意didn’t + 动词原形。

例: this woman didn’t h**e food.

搭配:gold with the magic paintbrush 介词with表示“使用……作为工具”。


例:the bad man took ma liang away.

away---ran away(过去式) “跑掉,跑开”。

例:georgy porgy ran away.

back---came back(过去式) “回来”

例:he didn’t e back.

out---came out(过去式) “出来”

例:the boys came out to play.

module 7


-- did you/he/she/they/tom…+ 动词原形?

-yes, i/he/she/they/tom… did. /no, i/he/she/they/tom… didn’t.



-- how many…s were there?


module1易错题。toy ducks my cousin s.a.isb.am b.anb.any c.arec.somec.a 2.there is orange ruler on the a a.some a.are 3.there aren t boys in the room.a gir...


本试卷共有十二个大题,其中前六题为听力,后六题为笔试,满分120分。本次测试题型设计好,难易适中,符合四年级学生的认知特点。从考试的情况来看,学生们都能熟练掌握所学知识,取得了令人比较满意的成绩。全镇共有850名学生,班平均最高分为103.83分,镇平均分88.99分,优秀率为71 及格率为91 为...


本试卷共有十二个大题,其中前六题为听力,后六题为笔试,满分120分。本次测试题型设计好,难易适中,符合四年级学生的认知特点。从考试的情况来看,学生们都能熟练掌握所学知识,取得了令人比较满意的成绩。全镇共有850名学生,班平均最高分为分,镇平均分分,优秀率为71 及格率为91 为了能够发现问题,便于提...