人教 精通 四年级英语下册教案备课讲稿

发布 2020-09-29 07:24:28 阅读 4966


根据《英语课程标准》中提出的“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”的要求,并结合儿童好动,好玩,好表演等特点,新教材设计了大量的游戏,歌曲,歌谣,表演,小调查等。本册书6个单元共36课,在第3和第6单元之后,各有一个复习单元fun time。本册书总的教学目标是:

just speak 通过真实的情景教学会话,并让学生能够进行简单交流。

just read and write 通过活泼形象的图画,教学2—3个单词,并让学生能掌握1—2个单词。

let’s sing 通过欢快活泼的歌曲,让学生体验和习得语言。

let’s do a survey 通过生活小调查巩固所学单词,学以致用。

let’s play 通过各种游戏活动,用所学的会话进行简单的交流。

let’s chant 通过欢快有节奏的歌谣,让学生体验和习得语言。

let’s act 通过活泼形象的表演,让学生真实自然的运用所学语言。

fun story 通过风趣幽默的小故事,复习本单元的会话。



2,能听,说,认读126个单词,另外,在能听,说,读,写66个单词并能进行简单的运用 。





7, 能听懂6个幽默小故事。

8, 能了解2项简单的中西方文化知识。







week7fun time 1(part1-3)









week16fun time 2(part1-3)





unit1 welcome to my new home.

单元目标:1. 能听说读写下列单词:home bed desk chair tv ball kite table study computer clock

2. 能运用下列句子进行简单的对话:welcome to my home!there are ..in ..

3. 能唱以下英文歌曲和歌谣:my home/what’s in your living room?/there is a big tv.

4. 能理解本单元所述中西方文化知识。

lesson 1

teaching aims and demands:

1. just speak:

there is …

there are …

2. just read and write :

home bedroom bed computer(三会)

desk chair (四会)

3.let’s paste.

main and diffcult points:

1. read the new words: home bedroom bed computer

2. write the words : desk chair

3. speak:there is…

there are…

teaching methods:speaking and practice.

teaching aids :recorder, picture, cards

teaching procedure:

step 1:revision

1. sing the songs .

2. revise the twenty-six letters.

step 2:presentation

1. words:

learn the new words: (use the picture and the cards)

home bedroom bed computer

this is a home/ bedroom/bed/computer.

practice and h**e a match.

2. drills:(use the picture)

look at the picture and say what you can see?

ask:is there a new desk? is there a new chair?

teach: there is a …

listen to the tape and repeat.

practise and act.

3. spell and write the words:

desk chair

step 3:practice.

1. make the cards .

2. let’s paste.

homework :

1. copy the new words for three times.

2. listen and repeat the dialogue.

write on the blackboard:

welcome to my new home!

lesson 1

there is a …

desk chair

teaching reflection:

lesson 2

teaching aims and demands:

1. just speak

what’s in …?there is …

there are ….

2. just read and write

read the new words.

living room, armchair , tv, sofa.

read and write the new words:

ball balloon

main and diffcult points:

1. read and write the new words:

livingroom, armchair, tv, sofa , ball , balloon

2. speak the sentences:

what’s in …?

there is ….

there are….

teaching methods:speaking and practice.

teaching aids :recorder, picture, cards

teaching procedure:

step 1. revision

1. draw a picture.

teacher say and the pupils do.

draw a bedroom in your home.

draw a bed in your bedroom.

draw a desk in your bedroom.

draw a computer on the desk .

draw a chair in your bedroom.

draw yourself in your bedroom.

2. talk about it each other.

step 2. presentation.

1. read the words: tv, sofa, armchair (use the picture and cards)

ask : where are they ? in the living room.

2. look at the picture and speak:

t: where are kate and li yan ?are they at home?

ss: yes.

t: are they in the bedroom?

ss: no.

t: where are they?

ss: they’re in the livingroom .

t: what’s in the livingroom?

ss: there is a new tv.

there is a sofa.

there is a armchair.

3. listen to the tape and repeat.

4. practise and show on.

5. write the words :

ball balloon

homework :

1. listen and read the dialogue.

2. copy the words for three times.

write on the blackboard:

welcome to my new home!

lesson 2

ball balloon

there are two sofas.

teaching reflection:

lesson 3

teaching aims and demands:

1. just speak :

there is …

there are…

2. just read and write:

kitchen , table , sandwich , cake , hamburger

3. let’s play.


金戈铁骑整理制作。小学英语学习材料。金戈铁骑整理制作。四年级下册教案fun time 1 part 2 教学目标和要求 能够灵活运用第一至第三单元中所学的学科名称的英语表达及各种房间。内,教室内物品名称的词汇,在完成各项游戏活动的同时,提高在真实情景中进行简单语言交际的能力。教学重难点 重点复习以下...

人教精通版英语4下四年级下册教案Funtime1 1

金戈铁骑整理制作。小学英语学习材料。金戈铁骑整理制作。四年级下册教案fun time1 part 1 教学目标和要求 1.知识与技能。综合复习第一至第三单元中所学的日常交际用语,使学生在特定的情景。中理解并进行清楚的 有效的进行语言交流。2.情感态度与价值观。鼓励学生动手制作,培养学生与他人合作的能...

人教精通版英语4下四年级下册教案Funtime1 1

小学英语学习材料。xx整理制作。四年级下册教案fun time1part 1 教学目标和要求 1.知识与技能。综合复习第一至第三单元中所学的日常交际用语,使学生在特定的情景中理解并进行清晰的 有用的进行语言交流。2.情感态度与价值观。鼓励学生动手制作,培养学生与他人合作的能力和知识的运用能力。同时培...