
发布 2020-09-29 03:23:28 阅读 7647

四年级复习 :四会词:会默写,知道中文。

1. 心情词:happy开心的 , angry 生气的, tired累的 , sad 伤心的 , excited兴奋的 ,upset心烦的 , worried 担心的。

2.学习用品词:ping-pong bat乒乓球拍, crayons蜡笔, markers马克笔, pencil铅笔 , ruler尺子

3.饮料词 drink:soy milk豆浆 , juice果汁 , soup汤 ,water水, milk 牛奶。

4.鞋:shoes 鞋子 boots 靴子。

5.食物词food:peking duck北京烤鸭, pizza披萨 , salad沙拉 , fish 鱼, sandwich三明治 , meatballs肉丸

6.天气词weather:fine良好的 , bad 恶劣的, cold冷的 , rain雨, snow雪 , wind风 ,

hot热的 , shine阳光照耀的

7.地点词:farm农场 , lake湖 , forest森林 , school学校 ,zoo动物园。

8.颜色 (colour):blue蓝 red红 white白 yellow黄 green绿black黑

9.衣服(clothes)t-shirt t恤衫shirt衬衫 skirt短裙 dress连衣裙 hat帽子coat外套。

jacket 夹克衫socks袜子 sweater毛线衣 jeans牛仔裤shorts短裤

10.水果词(fruit):orange桔子 apple苹果 peach桃子pear梨 banana香蕉。


scissors剪刀 ,sharpener卷笔刀 ,surprised惊讶的 ,kind种类/善良的 , shape 形状, fl**or风味, colour颜色, that那个 ,this这个 , those那些 ,these这些, (a ) pair of一双 , sneakers 运动鞋,, sandals凉鞋 , overcoat外套, a glass of 一杯,vegetables蔬菜 , mushroom 蘑菇, live 生活, fly 飞, grow生长 , plants植物 , speak 说话, call 呼叫, hold on不挂断**, eat吃 , h**e有 ,drink喝, clever聪明的, vest背心,jacket夹克 , socks袜子 ,sweater毛衣 ,health健康 ,sour酸的, sweet甜的 ,salty咸的, take your order点菜, tell the cook告诉厨师, for me给我, dessert甜点, breakfast早餐, raining hard下着大雨, lucky you幸运的你, sound interesting听起来很有趣 , close to nature贴近自然, love nature热爱自然, this winter vacation这个寒假, find out发现, on the internet在网上, everything每件事物 , these things这些物品 , go boating去划船, go swimming去游泳, go fishing去钓鱼, go ice-skating去滑冰 , go skiing去滑雪 , make a snowman堆雪人, spring春, summer夏, autumn秋, winter冬, chinese food中国食物, western food西餐, on the menu在菜单上 , always一直,总是 , often经常 , sometimes有时, hold these books拿住这些书 , close the window关上窗户 , turn off the light关灯, turn off the radio关上收音机 , pass me the water把水递给我 , opening the door打开门 , turning on the light开灯 , on a farm在农场 , in the mountain 在山里, by the lake在湖边 , in the forest 在森林里, on the grassland在草原上


1. why are you so happy ?because we are back at school

你们为什么这么开心? 因为我们回到了学校。

2. why do you look so sad ? because my dog is missing .

你为什么看起来这么伤心? 因为我的狗丢了。

3. may i speak to mike ? this is yangyang .

speaking . please hold on . it’s for you .

我能和mike通话吗? 我是yangyang. 我就是。/ 请稍等。 …找你的**。

4. is guoguo there ? sorry ,she is not home /here .

guoguo在吗? 对不起,她不在家/这儿。

5. this is wang ping . who’s calling , please ?

我是wang ping。请问你是谁?

6. would you please hold these books for me ? no problem .


7. would you mind opening the door , please ? sure . no problem .


8. can i borrow your pingpong bat ?yes , of course .

我能借用你的乒乓球拍吗? 是的,当然可以。

kind would you like ? this one looks nice .


9. excuse me .may i look at that pair of shoes , please ?sure .here you are .


10. the red one will look nice on you .it will go with my trousers .

你穿红色的那件看上去会很漂亮。 它会和我的裤子很相配。

would you like to eat ? i’d like some vegetables .


i take your order now ?yes . i’d like / i’ll h**e a salad,fish,and mushroom soup .


much is it ? it’s sixty-nine yuan .


much are they?they are one hundred yuan


is the money . here is your change .


the weather in sydney ? bad . it’s raining . fine . the sun is shining .

悉尼的天气怎么样很糟糕。正在下雨。 很好。阳光明媚。

does he live ? he lives on a farm .


can live with water and air. we can’t live without water or air.

有水和空气我们可以生存。 没有水和空气我们不能生存。


1. what’s it like? it’s square in shape and blue in color.

它什么样儿? 它是方形蓝色的。

2. don’t be upset. let’s look for it together.


3. really! will you bring them to school tomorrow?

真的吗! 你明天能把它们带到学校吗?

can i do for you ?


5. please stay in bed and drink a lot of water.


6. i h**e a bad cold. i can’t go to school tomorrow.

我得了重感冒。 明天不能去上学了。

7. would you show me how to play this word game on the computer ?


8. will you do me a f**our ,please ?


9. i don’t h**e my ping-pong bat with me .


11. can i take the red one? fine .

我可以那红色的那个吗? 好的。

12. can i h**e the sweet and sour fish?


13. they are very comfortable.


13. may i try them on ? we will take them.

我可以试穿它们吗? 我们会买它们。

14. it’s getting cold. i will buy you a new jacket. this shop sells jackets.


15. how about the green one ?


16. in summer it’s hot and snow becomes rain.,ice becomes water.


17. in winter, it’s cold and rain becomes snow, water become ice.

在冬天,天气冷。 雨变成了雪, 水变成了冰。

18. what do you do on weekends? i often go to parks or take long walks.



等一会儿。mike,你的 please hold on.mike,it s for you.p13果果在家吗?is guoguo there?对不起,她不在家。sorry,she is not home.果果在家吗?is guoguo there?对不起,她不在这里。sorry,she is not...


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