
发布 2020-09-29 03:42:28 阅读 4783

等一会儿。mike,你的**。please hold on. mike, it's for you.

p13果果在家吗?is guoguo there?

对不起,她不在家。sorry, she is not home.

果果在家吗?is guoguo there?

对不起,她不在这里。sorry, she is not here.

p15王老师在家吗? is miss wang home?

我是王平。 this is wangping.

王老师在那儿吗? is miss wang there?

请说,你是谁?speaking. who's calling, please?



p19:你能为我拿着这些书吗?would you please hold these books for me?

没问题。no problem.

你能关上窗吗?would you please close the window?

没问题。no problem.

你能关上灯吗?would you please turn off the light ?

没问题。no problem.

你能递给我水吗?would you please pass me the water?

没问题。no problem.

p21你介意打开门吗?would you mind opening the door, please?

当然,没问题。sure. no problem.

你介意关上收音机吗?would you mind turning off the radio, please?

当然,没问题。sure. no problem.

你介意开灯吗?would you mind turning on the light, please?

当然,没问题。sure. no problem.

p23我能借你的乒乓球拍吗?can i borrow your ping-pong bat?

可以,当然可以。 yes, of course.


尺子ruler转笔刀pencil sharpener



p35你想要哪一种?which kind would you like?

这种看上去不错。this one looks nice.

你想要什么形状?which shape would you like?

星形看上去很好。star looks nice.

你想要什么颜色?which colour would you like?

黄色看上去不错。the yellow one looks nice.

或者)我想要红色。i would like yellow.

种类kind、形状shape 、星形star 心形heart正方形square

三角形******** 长方形rectangle 颜色colour、红色red黄色yellow蓝色blue绿色green

p37打扰了。我可以看看这双鞋吗? excuse me. may i look at that pair of shoes, please?

当然可以,给你。sure. here you are.

打扰了,我可以看看这些凉鞋吗?excuse me. may i look at these sandals, please?

当然可以,给你。sure. here you are.



p 39甲:这件红色的很适合你。the red one will look nice on you.

乙:它跟我的裤子很搭配。it will go with my trousers.

甲:这件蓝色的t恤很适合你。the blue t-shirt will look nice on you.

乙:它跟我的短裤很搭配。it will go with my shorts.

甲:这件黑色外罩很适合你。the black overcoat will look nice on you.

乙:它跟我的裤子很搭配。it will go with my trousers.

甲:这个黄色的帽子很适合你。the yellow cap will look nice on you.

乙:它跟我的校服很搭配。it will go with my school uniform.

裤子trousers(复数)t恤 t-shirt 短裤shorts 大衣overcoat 帽子cap校服school uniform



p43你想吃什么?what would you like to eat?

我想吃一些蔬菜i’d like some vegetables.

你想喝些什么?what would you like to drink?

我想喝一杯豆浆。i’d like a glass of soy milk.

你想吃(喝)什么?what would you like to h**e?

我想吃(喝)一些饺子i’d like some jiaozi.

吃eat 喝drink 吃喝h**e 一些蔬菜some vegetables 一些丸子 some meatballs

一些饺子 some jiaozi北京烤鸭 peking duck 一杯豆浆a glass of soy milk

一杯桔汁 a glass of orange juice

p45您可以点餐了吗?may i take your order now?

是的。我想要一份沙拉、鱼和蘑菇汤。yes. i’d like a salad, fish, and mushroom soup.


yes. i’ll h**e a salad, fish ,and mushroom soup.

一份沙拉a salad 鱼 fish 蘑菇汤 mushroom soup 一杯果汁 a glass of juice

一个三明治 a sandwich

p 47甲:它多少钱?how much is it?

乙:它是69元。it’s sixty-nine yuan .

甲:给你钱。here is the money.

乙:给你零钱。here is your change.

能正确朗读和听懂以下数字,8 eight 3 three 20 twenty



p51悉尼是什么天气?how’s the weather in sydney?

糟糕。正在下雨。bad. it’s raining.

昆明是什么天气?how’s the weather in kunming?

很好。太阳在照耀(阳光明媚的)。fine. the sun is shining.

阿拉斯加是什么天气?how’s the weather in alaska?

寒冷。正在下雪。cold . it’s snowing.

悉尼sydney昆明kunming阿拉斯加 alaska糟糕 bad 好的 fine

寒冷 cold下雨的raining 阳光明媚的shining下雪的snowing

p53他住在**?where does he live?

他住在农场。他是农夫。 he lives on a farm. he is a farmer.

在农场 on a farm 在森林in the forest 在草原on the grassland

在湖边 by the lake 在山里 in the mountains

p 55没有水,我们无法生存。we can’t live without water.

没有风,风筝无法飞翔。kites can’t fly without wind.

没有水,植物无法生长。 plants can’t grow without water.

水water 生存,生活live 飞翔fly 风wind 生长grow



四年级复习 四会词 会默写,知道中文。1.心情词 happy开心的 angry 生气的,tired累的 sad 伤心的 excited兴奋的 upset心烦的 worried 担心的。2.学习用品词 ping pong bat乒乓球拍,crayons蜡笔,markers马克笔,pencil铅笔 ru...


4a unit one 一 单词 1.喜欢2.狗3.动物4.猫 5.可爱的6.熊猫7.胖的 8.大象9.马10.狮子 11.猴子12.老虎13.有 二 词组 1.看2.这只猫。3.这些玩具动物。4.又可爱又胖。5.在树上 外来的6.在树上 长的。7.和我一起跑8.在垫子上。9.男孩们和女孩们。三 句...


班级姓名 四会单词 farmer 农民。policeman警察。nurse vet兽医。doctor医生。pilot飞机驾驶员。dancer舞蹈演员。student 学生。sheep 羊,绵羊。goat山羊。rabbit兔子。frog青蛙。monkey猴子。horse马。leopard 豹。tige...