
发布 2023-01-18 13:09:28 阅读 2334


1.右腿(英语副词3. noise(形容词)__

it easy (汉语复数。


the m___with right foot h___

w___with the hurts b5. let me s___


1.what’s __with you2. what’s the __with you

3. my __leg hurts4. take it5. let me __


the matter __youa. with?? b. about?? c. on

me __a. to see?? b. see? c. seeing

can’t __a. to walk? b. walk? c. walking

4.__it easya. take? b. take ?c. find

afraid we need to take __x-ray. a. a? b. an ?c. the


1. what’s wrong with you (变为同义句。

2. my right leg hurts. (变为疑问句。

hurts badly.(变为否定句。

can walk. (变为一般疑问句。

what, is, with, the, you ()连词成句。


doctor: what’s the matter with you, young man

mike: my right leg hurts, doctor. it hurts badly. i can’t walk.

doctor :all right, let me see. does it hurt here

mike: yes, it hurts near the knee.

doctor: i’m afraid we need to take an x-ray.

mike: oh! really

doctor: take it easy. it doesn’t hurt.

? )1. mike goes to see a right arm hurts.

? )3. mike needs to take an x-ray4. mike can’t walk.

? )5. doctor think it doesn’t hurt.

答案】 leg ?2. badly? 3. noisy? 4. 别紧张? 5. feet

1. right leg右腿2. bad的副词是badly.3. noise的形容词是noisy.

it easy别紧张5. foot的复数是feet.

答案】1. matter ? 5. see

1. 你怎么啦?what’s the matter with you固定用法。

2. 我的右脚受伤了。hurt受伤,因主语是单数,所以要用hurts.

3. 这个男孩怎么啦?what’s wrong with sb.某人怎么啦?固定用法。

4. 它伤得很厉害。badly厉害地。

5. 让我看看。see看。

答案】1. wrong? 2. matter? 5. see

1. 此句意是:你怎么啦?what’s wrong with you 固定用法。

2. 此句意是:你怎么啦?what’s the matter with you固定用法。

3. 此句意是:我的右腿受伤了。right右边的。

4. 此句意是:别紧张。take it easy固定用法。

5. 此句意是:让我看看。see看。

答案】a此句意是:你怎么啦?what’s the matter with you 固定用法。

答案】b此句意是:让我看看。let 后跟动词原形,应选b。


答案】a此句意是:别紧张。take it easy固定用法。


答案】 the matter with your right leg hurt

doesn’t hurt badly.4. can you walk5. what’s the matter with you

1.此句意是:你怎么啦?与之意思相近的是: what’s the matter with you

2.此句变为疑问句时要借助于助动词does, 后面的动词用原形,并将第一人称的my变为第二人称的your.

3 此句变为否定句时要借助于助动词does, 后面的动词用原形, 应为it doesn’t hurt badly.

4. 此句是一般疑问句时要将can提到句首,并且第一个字母要大写,将第一人称的i变为第二人称的you.

5.根据所给词可组成句子为:what’s the matter with you你怎么啦?

答案】1. t?? 4. t??

解析】1. 根据对话中doctor: what’s the matter with you, young man可判断此句是正确的。

2. 根据对话中mike: my right leg hurts可知此句是错误的。

3. 根据对话中doctor: i’m afraid we need to take an x-ray.可知此句是正确的。

4. 根据对话中i can’t walk.可判断此句是正确的。

5.根据对话中doctor: take it easy. it doesn’t hurt.可判断此句是正确的。


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