苏教版小学四年级 上 1 4单元英语检测卷

发布 2020-09-29 02:06:28 阅读 7695



一。 选出不同类的单词,将其标号写在括号内。(8分)

)1. a. sing b. paint c. face

)2. a. heb. ninec. she

)3. a. yourb. myc. you

)4. a. fireman b. does c. nurse

)5. a. isb. canc. are

)6. a. areb. isc. and

)7. a. teacher b. dentist c. classmate

)8. a. this b. cut c. that


) 1. can you swim?

a. yes, i can

b. i can dive.

) is my sister.

a. his name’s ben.

b. her name’s wendy.

) 3. i like supergirl.

a. she’s super.

b. supergirl can’t cook.

) 4. how old is alice?

a. he’s ten.

b. she’s nine.

) 5. my friend’s a girl.

a. she’s nine.

b. his name’s mark.


)1.?—i’d like __bookmarks. —me, _

a. too, too b. two, two c. two, too

)2. how?many?__do?you?h**e??

)3. lookthe??blackboard!


)4. i??h**eenglish??book??andstory-book.?

?? a.?a?,?a???b.??an?,?an???c.??an?,?a

)5. it was my birthdaysaturday.

a. in b. at c. on



缩略式 us(缩略式。










五。 连词成句。(8分)

1. angry dog the is

2. birthday you to happy

3. that is whose bag

do how mangoes h**e you

六。 阅读理解。(28分)

18分)a.(1).阅读短文,look!this is __1__ photograph of alice’s family.

it __2___very nice. alice’s brother is ten years old. she’s a middle school student.

_3___father is a driver. she __4___swim, but she can’t dive. her mother is a teacher.

she can sing. alice __5___her family very much.

) 1、a. ab. anc. /

) 2、a. h**e b. isc. are

) 3、a. his b. herc. my

) 4、a. can’t b. andc. can

) 5、a. likes b. runsc. has

2).下面句子与短文内容相符在( )里写“t”,不符写“f”。

) 1、this is a photo of ben’s family.

) 2、the photograph is very nice.

) 3、alice’s father is a dentist.

) 4、alice doesn’t like her family.

10分)b.my name is wu ling. i’m eleven. i like reading storybooks.

i’ve got 49 storybooks. i h**e some good friends. the fat boy is ben.

he’s ten. he likes puzzles. and he likes puppets, too.

this pretty girl is may. she istwelve. she likes dolls.

i can see many dolls and toys in her bedroom. thattall boy is liu ning. he’s from shanghai.

he’s eleven. he likes toy cars. 下面句子与短文内容相符在( )里写“t”,不符写“f”。

)1. i like reading storybooks.

)2. i’ve got four good friends.

)3. ben likes puzzles and puppets.

)4. may is eleven.

)5. liu ning is a chinese boy.

一。 选出不同类的单词,将其标号写在括号内。(8分)

1. c 二。 根据所给的句子选择合适的下句或答句,将其标号写在括号内。(10分)

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b

三。 caacc

四。 略。五。

1. the dog is angry. 2. happy birthday to you. bag is that?

mang mangoes do you h**e



b. t f t f t

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