
发布 2020-09-26 20:54:28 阅读 7551

一、 词汇。

1) 将单词字母标号填写在**下的括号内。

a. hen b. cow c. rabbit d. horse e. sheep

2) 根据汉语补全单词,每空一个单词。

山羊 g _ a羊羔 l _ b 狗 d _ g

鸭子 d _ c猪 p _ g

二、 用括号内所给词填空。

1. how manysheep) do you h**e?

2. are theyhorse) ?

3. yes, theyis).

4. feed thehen).

5. they aregoat).

三、 单项选择,请将正确的选项字母标号填写在题前括号内。

1. this farm is __big.

a. tob. soc. two

2. they are

a. goatsb. goatc. goat’s

3the hens.

a. seeb. look c. look at

4. the hens are __

a. fatb. catc. eat

5cows do you h**e?

a. how b. how much c. how many

6they sheep?

a. amb. isc. are

7. yes

a. they`reb. they are c. are they

8. how many __do you h**e?

a. a cowb. cowc. cows

9. ride a __

a. horseb. hensc. lamb

10. shear a

a. cowb. horsec. hens

四、 下面你能看到五组被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下,把正确的答句字母标号写在相应的括号内。

1. how many cows do you h**ea. they are goats.

2. are they sheepb. ten yuan.

3. what are theyc. it’s rainy.

4. how much is your dressd. one hundred.

5. what’s the weather likee. no, they aren’t.

五、 请将下列短语按合理的方式搭配,将字母标号填在题前括号内。

ab)1the hensa. shear

2a horseb. hold

3a cowc. milk

4a sheepd. feed

5a lambe. ride

六、 题中有5个句子分别描述了一幅图画,请将**的字母标号填在相应句子前面的括号内。


1. time for breakfast. drink some milk.

2. put on your t-shirt.

3. feed the hens.

4. put on your sneakers. run in the park.

5. it’s rainy. put up your umbrella.

七、 请将正确对话顺序排列下面句子,并将顺序号1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 标注在括号内。

no, they aren’t.

oh, this farm is so big.

are they sheep?

they are goats.


秀屿区小学2012 2013年度上学期。语文第七册第六单元质量检测卷。卷面成绩等级。识字写字 18分。一 读拼音写词语。10分 p ng h ng l n du ku yu b l c ng c ng y zh z n t ng q d i l su d ng r n 二 选择正确答案的序号填写在括...


四年级下册语文第六单元测试卷。姓名等级。一 看拼音写词语。sh sh li zh y n sh n ng t r ng sh gu n ch ng ku f n l n c q ch ng shu y o sh ng xi ng m ng t o y n 二 比一比,组词语。漂 侍 跨 模 嚷 稚 ...


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