
发布 2020-08-25 08:44:28 阅读 9696


一、从各组所给的单词中选择听到的单词。(10分)()1. a. hold

)2. a. best

)3. a. call

)4. a. whose

)5. a. cake

二、听单词填入所缺字母。(10分)1. l__ft2. _octortr___ffic4. c__ntre

5. str__ t6. l_braryhou__e8. sp__t

9. r__st10. fr__dge


)1. a. i want a i‘v got a high it’s jack here.

)2. a. yes, all right.

()3. a. it looks thank yes,i‘d love to.

()4. a. at at the school in the afternoon.

四、听对话,补全句中所缺单词。(20分)a:good morning,doctor.

b:good morningwith __a

b:let‘s h**e a look. your temperature is___high.

take this medicinea day,and __at homeall you very welcome.


)1. a. toldb. box

)2. a. sheepb. seat

)3. a. noseb. goal

)4. a. finishb. d. library

)5. a. whichb. wish

)6. a. tryb. 二、选择填空。(10分)

)1. hello!could i __to miss li?this is tom.

a. sayb.

)2. could you___us your new coat?a. look atb. seec. show

)3would you please tell methe way to the nearest hospital?

a. sorryb. excuse mec. hello()4. thanks___your help. i can swimnow.

a. forb.

)5. i don‘t feel well today. i’vegot___

a. 三、根据汉语意思选择正确的英语句子。(8分)()1.你向别人打听去动物园的路时应怎样问?__

a. sorry,where is the zoo?

b. excuse me,could you tell me the way tothe zoo?


a. what‘s wrong with you?参***:unit 2 lesson two


二、1. lift2. doctor3. street6. spot

9. rest10. fridge

三、1. (b) what’s wrong with you?2. (a) can i help you?

3. (c) would you like to go with us?4. (b) where shall we meet?


一、1. a2 . c3. d6. a

二、1. a2. c3. b

三、1. b2. a3.

a4. a四、1. open your mouth and let me see.

2. do you like“mickey mouse”?3.

where can i park my car?

4. susan will be all right soon.5.

a fox is talking with a crow.6. would you open the window,please?

五、1. jim‘s mother works in a factory.2.

she put the picture on the wall.3. what’s wrong with you?

4. our teacher doesn‘t live in shanghai.5. take this medicine three times a how are you?


a. what day is today?b. what the date today?

)4. “别担心”怎么说?__a. don’t i‘m sorry.四、看图组句。(12分)

1. see,mouth,open,and,me,your,let2. like,you,do,“mickey mouse”

3. can,park,where,car,i,my4. right,soon,will,all,be,susan5.

fox,crow,with,talking,a,a,is6. widow,please,would,you,open,the五、请找出下列句子的错误,并改正。(10分)1.

jim mother works in a factory2. she put the picture in the wrong and you?

teacher not live in shanghai5. take this medicine three time a day.


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