PEP六年级下学期英语小升初专项 阅读与写作 一

发布 2020-08-22 04:55:28 阅读 7105





a)peter: how are you, chen jie? you look sad today.

chen jie: yes, i am sad. i failed (不及格) the english test.

peter: it doesn’t matter. try your best. you’ll be better next time.

chen jie: thank you! look! sam is coming.

peter: hi, sam! you look so happy.

sam: yes! class 1 won the basketball match.

peter and chen jie: we’re glad to hear that.

) 1. chen jie is sad.

) 2. chen jie failed the math test.

) 3. sam looks so worried.

) 4. class 1 won the football match.

) 5. peter and chen jie are glad to hear the good news.


b)i’m jack. it’s saturday evening. my family are staying at home.

we are h**ing a good time.

look! mother is doing dishes. we had a big dinner.

father is cleaning our house. my uncle is helping him. my aunt is h**ing an english class online.

grandma is reading a book. my sister anne is watching cartoon with my cousin lynn. what is the cat mimi doing?

is she drinking water? no, she isn’t. she’s sleeping.

she’s so cute! where is grandpa? ha, he is near our house.

he is doing kung fu under the tree.

i am doing my homework now. when i finish it, i will play computer games. what a lovely evening!

) 6. there aremembers (成员) in jack’s family.

a. 9 b. 10 c. 11

) 7. jack’s uncle is

a. cleaning the house b. reading a book c. doing dishes

) 8is h**ing an english class.

a. anne b. lynn c. jack’s aunt

) 9. mimi is

a. sleeping b. drinking water c. playing

) 10. jack is

a. watching cartoon b. playing computer games

c. doing his homework

c)hello! my name is pedro. i live in spain.

i’m a student. our timetable is quite different from yours. i often do morning exercises at 7:

00 and eat breakfast at 8:00 o’clock. in the morning, classes start at 9:

00 and finish at 1 o’clock. then we eat lunch at home. we go back to school after lunch at 2:

30. classes start at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. we play sports at 6:

00 p. m. i love sports.

i often play football with my friends. sometimes i play basketball, too. we usually h**e a sports meet in april.

we usually eat dinner at 9: 30 or 10 o’clock. do you think it’s too late?

) 11. it’s 7 o’clock now. pedro is

a. going to school b. h**ing classes c. doing morning exercises

) 12. in the morning, school is over

a. at 9:00 b. at 6:00 c. at 1:00

) 13. pedro eat lunch

a. at 1 o’clock b. at 1:30 or 2:00 c. at 2:30

) 14. they usually h**e a sports meet in themonth (月) of a year.

a. fourth b. fifth c. third

) 15. they oftenat 9:30 or 10:00

a. eat breakfast b. h**e classes c. eat dinner

d)dear peter,i’m happy to h**e a new pen pal in australia. i live in china with my mom and dad, but i’m studying english. i often go to school by car with my mother.

my mom is a music teacher in my school. she is tall and thin. she is a beautiful woman.

she likes singing and reading stories. my dad is a worker. he is tall and strong.

he is very hard-working. he gets up early in the morning and goes home late. he goes to work by bike.

he likes swimming and playing ping-pong very much. he often plays ping-pong with me on the weekend.

what about your family?

yoursli feng

) 16. peter lives in

a. australia b. china c. america

) 17. li feng is a

a. student b. teacher c. worker

) 18. li feng’s father likes

a. singing b. dancing c. sports

) 19. li feng’s mother goes to work

a. by bike b. by car c. by train

) 20. peter is li feng’s

a. cousin b. classmate c. pen pal





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