
发布 2020-08-20 17:07:28 阅读 3840


听力 ( 30% )


) 1. a. alsob. allc. always

) 2. a. armb. auntc. aren’t

) 3. a. badb. bagc. basket

) 4. a. beachb. bearc. bread

) 5. a. coatb. coldc. cloudy

) 6. a. drinkb. dreamc. dress

) 7. a. fanb. fatc. far



) 1. a. i felt sick. b. by busc. yes, i feel good.

) 2. a. i’m swimming. b. i sang and danced. c. i play sports.

) 3. a. yes, it is. b. no, she cannot. c. yes, she can.

) 4. a. i’m fineb. i’m a teacher. c. i’m 10.

) 5. a. i am fatb. i’m 50kgc. i’m tall and strong.


) 1. there are four people in mike’s family.

) 2. mike father is a teacher.

) 3. mike’s mother is tall and strong.

) 4. mike is a student.

) 5. mike’s grandmother is a nurse now.

综合运用 ( 42% )


1. a. c**eb. h**ec. cat

2. a. girlb. herc. teacher

3. a. workb. horsec. sports

4. a. breakfastb. breadc. eat

5. a. cyclingb. coachc. nice


1. he hasnew schoolbag, and i wantlike his.

a. an; one b. a; onec. the; a d. a; an

) 2. the smiths and the greensgoing hiking.

a. are b. is c. be d. am

) 3shirt is blue and white?

a. whose b. who c. who's d. where

) 4. wetrees on tree planting day.

a. panting b. plantsc. plant d. is planting

) 5. the girla white skirt is very

a. wearing; prettier b. wears; pretty c. worn; prettiest d. wearing; pretty

) 6. theclass begins at 8:00 in the morning.

a. one b. first c. big d. my

) 7. would you like towith me?

a. going b. goes c. went d. go

) 8. summer isandin china.

a. sunny; snowyb. sun; coldc. sunny; hot d. warm; snowy

) 9a good boy he is!

a. how b. what c. which d. where

) 10. —what is mother kangaroo doing? —she is

a. jumped b. jump c. jumping d. jumps

11. lookthe blackboard, please.

a. up b. on c. at d. over

) 12. kate is mary's

a. daughter b. son c. brother d. father

) 13. look! the boys are

a. dance b. dancing c. sing d. sings

) 14. one and two is

a. four b. two c. one d. three

) 15. it's aday today. let's go out for a walk.

a. running b. sunny c. cloud d. winter


) 1. how are you feeling nowa. he is 165cm tall.

) 2. what’s your new musicteacher likeb. she is tall and thin.

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