
发布 2020-08-17 18:12:28 阅读 8256




basketball篮球 ping-pong乒乓球 game比赛 sport运动 team球队 player运动员 runners运动鞋 shorts短裤 t-shirt t恤衫 win赢 lose 输 throw扔 catch接 he**y重的 light轻的 hit击打 need需要 or或者 badminton羽毛球 any一些(用于肯定句和问句中) some一些(用于肯定句中) soccer(英式)足球 bought买(buy的过去式) taught教(teach的过去式) thought想(think的过去式) either也(用于否定) too也(用于肯定) net网 paddle球拍 score比分 floor地板 yell叫喊


any(同义词)some either(同义词)too soccer(同义词)football

he**y(反义词)light catch(反义词)throw teach(反义词)learn

lose(反义词)win hard(反义词)easy buy(过去式)bought

teach(过去式)taught think(过去式)thought win(过去式)won

lose(过去式)lost are(过去式)were hurt(过去式)hurt

hit(过去式)hit go(过去式)went can(过去式)could

hit(现在分词)hitting catch(三单)catches easy(副词)easily

play(名词)player teach(名词)teacher cook(名词)cooker

run(名词)runner this(对应词)that these(对应词)those



my f**ourite sport我最喜欢的运动 play ping-pong打乒乓球 a pair of runners一双运动鞋 ping—pong balls乒乓球 too hard太难 too he**y太重 hit the ball击打球 a good basketball player一名好的篮球运动员 each other彼此 buy some things买一些东西 a police officer一名警察 on the team在球队中 many players许多队员 bob’s team鲍勃的球队 a basketball game一场篮球比赛 at the school gym在学校体育馆 the other另一个 buy snacks买零食 jump up and down跳上跳下 an orange player一名橙队球员 play hard努力地打 work hard努力工作 play a game打一场比赛 blue team蓝队。


1、what did you do this evening?we watched bob play basketball.今天晚上你们做了什么?我们看了鲍勃打篮球。

2、basketball is my f**ourite sport.篮球是我最喜欢的运动。(同一句)i like basketball best.我最喜欢打篮球。

3、what sports do you play?i play badminton.你做什么运动?我打羽毛球。

4、i h**e a t—shirt,too. 我也有一件t恤。(too用于肯定句中)

i don’t h**e a t—shirt,either. 我一件t恤也没有。(either用于否定句中)

5、do you h**e any runners? 你有运动鞋吗?(any用于疑问句和否定句中)

i h**e some runners. 我有一些运动鞋。(some用于肯定句中)

6、let’s ask him for some help.让我们请他来帮忙吧。

7、do you like this t-shirt or that t-shirt?你喜欢这件t恤衫还是那件? i want this one.我想要这一件。

8、throw the basketball at the net.把篮球扔向篮网。

9、you hit the ping-pong ball with this paddle.你用这个球拍打乒乓球。

10、where did you go today?你今天去了**?we went to the store.我们去了商店。

11、he plays basketball for fun on saturdays.他在周六把篮球作为娱乐。

12、what’s the score?比分是多少?it’s seventy-eight to seventy-eight.七十八比七十八。

13、did you h**e fun watching the game?你们看比赛有趣吗?yes,we did.是的。

14、we yelled for bob’s team.我们为鲍勃的球队呐喊助威。

15、is this he**y or light?it’s light.这是重的还是轻的。

16、what sports does he play? he plays basketball.他做什么运动?他打篮球。

17、what did he buy? he bought a pair of shorts.他买了什么?他买了一条短裤。

18、what are you doing now? i am throwing the ball.你正在做什么?我正在仍球。

19、what is li ming going to do tomorrow? he is going to play soccer.李明明天要做什么?他打算去踢足球。

unit2一、 单词。

healthy健康的 strong强壮的 weak虚弱的 sick有病的 before在……之前 after在……之后 brush刷 teeth牙齿 wash洗 face脸 comb梳 hair头发 homework家庭作业 bones骨骼 muscles肌肉 skin** exercise锻炼 cabbage白菜 peas豌豆 onions洋葱 day天 week星期 month月 year年 minutes分钟 hour小时 high高的 low低的 once一次 twice两次 finally最后 reach伸手 bend弯腰

二、 按要求写单词。

after(反义词)before strong(反义词)weak healthy(反义词)sick high(反义词)low different(反义词)same last(反义词)next tooth(复数)teeth brush(三单)brushes wash(三单)washes eat(过去式)ate make(过去式)made many、much(比较级)more ride(现在分词)riding run(现在分词)running weak(同音词)week hour(同音词)our

三、 英汉词组互译。

strong and healthy强壮而健康 sick and weak虚弱而有病 be good for…对……有好处 last week上周 once a week一周一次 twice a week一周两次 three times三次 wash my hand洗手 brush my teeth刷牙 comb my hair梳头 do my homework做家庭作业 before breakfast早饭前 after breakfast早饭后 wake up醒来 get up起床 play sports做运动 from monday to friday从周一到周五 work hard努力工作 good work干得好 a healthy body一个健康的身体 strong bones强壮的骨骼 strong muscles健壮的肌肉 clean skin洁净的** eat good food吃好的食物 make you cry使你流泪 watch out!look out!注意!

twice a day一天两次 once a day一年一次 twice a month一月两次 more than(better than)胜过 make a chart制作** how often多久 how much多少(修饰不可数) how many多少(修饰不可数) h**e to必须 clean the house打扫房子 clean

my bedroom打扫我的卧室 dry the dishes擦干盘子 at home在家 wash clothes洗衣服 thirty minutes三十分钟 walk to school步行去上学 ride a bike骑自行车 walk home步行回家 reach high伸展 bend low弯腰 h**e fun玩的开心 answer my questions回答我的问题。

四、 重点句型。

1、 everyone wants to be strong and healthy. 每个人都想要变得强壮而健康。

2、 do you want to be strong and healthy. 你想变得强壮而健康吗?

3、 first, always eat breakfast. why? because it’s good for you.


4、 how often did danny eat breakfast last week? he ate breakfast six times. 丹尼上周吃了几次早饭?


5、 when did he eat breakfast? on tuesday at about 7:30 in the morning.

他什么时候吃的早饭? 在星期四早上大约七点半。

6、 what do you usually eat for breakfast? i usually eat porridge. 你早饭通常吃什么?我通常吃粥。

7、 what do you do after breakfast? i brush my teeth. 你早餐之后做什么?我刷牙。

8、 what do you do before supper? i do my homework. 你晚饭前做什么? 我做作业。

9、 how often do you play basketball? three times a week. 你多久玩一次篮球? 一周三次。


名词 1 单复数的记忆 牢记 2 不可数名词 只有单数,没有复数 3 morning afernoon evening 单指早中晚前用in 指某日期 星期几等特定时间的屋后是,用介词on at night 4 may august 等月份月份前用 in,在几月几日前用 on 5 australia ...


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六年级上册英语重点单词 重点句子总复习

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