
发布 2020-08-14 20:58:28 阅读 2364




1、 e 2、m o 3、 v 4、h j 5、 t


1、peak beat ( 2、pig kite (

3、tin dish4、apple cake (


1、a、by bus b、by ship2、a、turn right b、turn left (

3、a、one way b、no entry4、a、go at a green light b、stop at a red light( )


)1、a、yellow b、rules c、red

)2、a、on foot b、by plane c、by way

)3、a、light b、stop c、go

)4、a、school b、china c、canada

)5、a、fifth b、one c、fourth


1、biekbus2、by trainby foot

3、grene red4、 stopwiat


)1、how are you?

a、fine,thank you. b、i'm fourteen.

)2、see you later!

a、thank you! b、see you!


a、how old are you? b、how do you go to school?


a、you're welcome. b、no,thanks.


a、i always go by train. b、sometimes i go by train.

)6、how can i get to zhongshan park?

a、you can go by bus. b、i can go by bus.

)7、you can go there .it's not far from here.

a、on foot b、by ship

)8、——are you going to the zoo?——this afternoon.

a、when b、where


1、how do you go to the usa?

2、usually i go to school on foot.

3、let’s go to the park this afternoon.

4、look at the traffic lights.

5、you can go by the no. 10 bus.


zhang:excuse me,how do we get to the people’s park ?

man: you can go there by the no.5 bus ,or you can go on foot.

zhang: how do we go on foot ?

man: it’s easy. turn left at the traffic lights.

the park is near a tall office building.

john: thank you very much. hurry up, zhang peng!

zhang: no! the light is red. stop!

john: that’s right. we h**e to wait.

zhang: now it’s green. let’s go!

1) john and zhang peng can’t go to the park by the no.5 bus.(

2) john and zhang peng want to go to the park on foot.(

3) the people’s park is near the traffic lights.(

4) john wants to go at a red light. (

5) zhang peng follows the traffic rules. (


冬冬培训小学六年级上学期英语期末测试题。姓名。一 读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同请在括号中写 s 不同写 d 1 peak beat 2 pig kite 3 thin dish 4 apple cake 二 看 选出正确的短语。12分 三 选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在...


冬冬培训小学六年级上学期英语期末测试题。姓名。一 读一读下列单词中的划线字母读音是否相同,相同请在括号中写 s 不同写 d 1 peak beat 2 pig kite 3 thin dish 4 apple cake 二 看 选出正确的短语。12分 三 选出下列单词中不同类的一项,把正确的答案填在...


1.3.20的是 的是 4.一个皮球4.8元,一个乒乓球的价钱是一个皮球的,一个乒乓球是 元。5.一个长方形,长米,宽米,它的周长是 米,面积是 平方米。6.一根电线长150米,用去,还剩 还剩 米。7.时 分 3千米 千米 米。8.比8米长是 米。9.在计算时,应先算 法,得 后算 法,得 10....