人教版小学六年级英语上册期末试卷 附听力材料

发布 2020-08-13 00:31:28 阅读 2807




一、听录音, 选出与录音内容相符的一项,每题听两遍。 (10分)

) 1. a. work b. walkc. want

) 2. a. month b. mouth c. mouse

) 3. a. should b. shallc. share

) 4. a. white b. rightc. night

) 5. a. illb. hearc. feel

) 6. a. difficult b. dictionary c. different

) 7. a. pilot b. politec. please

) 8. a. play b. planec. plan

) 9. a. willb. wearc. with

) 10. a. postman b. businessman c. fisherman



) 1. a. i'm going to the pet shop. b. at 6 o'clock.

c. they are going to the bookstore.

) 2. a. i feel happyb. i go there by bus.

c. i'm sorry to hear that.

) 3. a. she likes singing and reading stories.

b. he likes singing and reading stories.

c. i like singing and reading stories.

) 4. a. no, she doesn'tb. no, she isn't.

c. no, she can't.

) 5. a. my uncle watches tv every day.

b. i'm from china. c. it's next to the hospital.



1. aare you going to do today?

b: i’m going to see a film.

2. adoes he work

b: he works in a pet hospital.

3. anot go on tuesday?

it’s half price then.

b: really? thank you.

4. ado you go to school?

b: i usually go by subway.

5. aare you going to the cinema?

b: next monday.


1. the fisherman works___a boat.

2. the boy is good___football.

3. do you live___australia?

4. he is afraid___the man.

5. i must pay attention___the traffic lights.



2at the restaurant.

3. is your mother aworker?

4. i often go to school

5and stop at a yellow light.


1. how does johnfeel) now?

2. you shouldwear) warm clothes.

3. my brother usually___go) hiking.

4. i likedance) and reading stories.

5. howdo) your mother go to work?


) 1. —does he live on the south island?

she does. b. yes, he does. c. no, he does.

) should study hard and___healthy.

a. staysb. stayc. stayes

) mum is angry___him.

a. withb. ofc. to

) likes playing football and

a. swimming b. swiming c. swim

) going to h**e __art lesson.

a. theb. ac. an

) 6.—how do you come to school?

usually iby bike.

a. comeb. come to c. go

) 7.—what does your father do?

a. he works at sea b. he’s a teacher

c. he goes to work by car

) 8.—where are we going?

a. next monday b. we’re going by bus c. we’re going to the bookstore.

) 9.—what are his hobbies?

a. he likes doing kung fu and reading

b. he like playing football and singing

c. she likes singing and dancing

) 10.—mum, i feel ill. —you should

a. count to ten b. see a doctor

c. take a deep breath


1. this what do are going you to morning (?

2. h**e now homework to my i do (.

3. can how to fuxing i the get hospital (?

4. does playing like doing word he puzzles and football (?

5. a has very life healthy he (.



学校2012 2013学年度上学期。六年级eec英语期末试题。出题人 part 笔试部分 一 read and write 写出下列单词的正确形式 5分 1 big 比较级。解析 bigger。big为重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母,其比较级应双写该辅音字母加er。2 big 最高级。解析 b...


1 一根绳子剪成两段,第一段长米,第二段占全长的,两段相比 a.第一段长b.第二段长c.一样长 d.无法确定 3 要剪一个面积是12.56平方厘米的圆形纸片,至少需要面积是 平方厘米的正方形纸片 取3.14 a.12.56 b.14c.16d.20 4 若a是非零自然数,下列算式中的计算结果最大的是...


一 看拼音写词语。10 o xi n x u r k n c xi n m m n u n j n r n j n t o zh y n ch u xi n sh u h l j q n 二 先将成语补充完整,再解释要解释的加点字,最后按要求分类。8 刚正不一 一和喜 乐见。好 喜功惟 惟肖字正 圆...