新版Gogo开心英语六年级上册单词 对话

发布 2020-08-11 23:55:28 阅读 4809

unit 1

h**e a headache头痛h**e a toothache牙痛h**e a cold感冒h**e a fever发烧。

h**e a stomachache肚子痛take some medicine吃药see the dentist看牙医stay in bed躺在床上。

what's wrong with you?你怎么了?i hurt my foot.我的脚受伤了。

let me h**e a look.让我看看。be careful next time.

下次小心。what's wrong with you?你怎么了?

i h**e a stomachache.我肚子痛。please take some medicine。


what's the matter?你怎么了?i h**e a cold.我感冒了。please stay in bed.请躺在床上。uint2

turn left向左转turn right向右转go straight直走across from在对面street街道corner角落。

traffic light交通灯bus stop公共汽车站。

excuse me. where is the hospital?打扰了,医院在**?

go straight. it's across from the park.直走,在公园对面。

excuse me. where is the bank?打扰了,银行在**?

turn left at the corner.在角落向左转。it's next to the supermarket.在超市隔壁。

unit3enough足够的plenty of大量的healthy健康的chocolate巧克力not enough不够的too much太多的unhealthy不健康的candy糖果。

what's wrong with you,gogo?你怎么了?i drink too much cola.

我喝太多的可乐that's bad for you.那对不不好。

what else is bad for me?还有其它对我不好的吗?too much junk food.太多的垃圾食物。

what's good for me?什么对我有好处呢?

get plenty of exercise, eat plentyof vegetables, anddrink a lot of water。


unit4warm cool clean tidy暖和的凉爽的干净的整洁的wet dry dirty messy潮湿的干燥的肮脏的凌乱的what was your bedroom like this morning?你的卧室像什么?

it was messy.它是凌乱的。is it tidy now?现在是整洁的吗?

yes,it is. my books were on the floor this morning.是的,它是。我的书早上是在地板上。

they are on the desk now.现在他们在课桌上。unit5

good bad tasty yucky snowy spicy好的坏的美味的难吃的下雪的辣的where were you yesterday?昨天你在**?i was in thailand.

我在泰国。what was the food like?食物像什么?

it was spicy and tasty.它是辣的和美味的。unit6


did you h**e classes yesterday?昨天有上课吗?no,i didn't.不,我没有。yes,i did.是的,我有。

what did you do yesterday,ben?你昨天做什么呢?i planted trees yesterday.我昨天种了树。

gogo版六年级英语下册 新 Unit

unit 2 a magic day 重点单词 去 吃 写 读 制作。骑 唱 喝,饮。美丽的 沙漠 觉得 台灯。鸡肉 任何事物,任何东西 瓶子。水 妖怪 a 多么 啊。sounds and words 画。裙子。司机 喝 孩子们 卧室。重点句子 target did you do this morn...


学习好资料欢迎 unit 1what did you do during the holidays?period 1 一 教学目标。1 能听懂 会说新单词during,holiday,learn,practise,speak,sentence,teach 2 能理解课文 能正确运用一般过去时描述人物...


unit 3 staying healthy.重点单词 词组 足够的 enough不够的 充足的 大量的。much太多的 for you 对你有好处的 健康的。for you对你 不健康的 food垃圾食品。exercise加强锻炼 奶酪 really.不是这样的 果冻 青菜 绿色食品 lot of...