
发布 2020-08-06 18:28:28 阅读 9734

unit 10


gas station(加油站)2. coffee shop(咖啡店)



gallery(多伦多美术馆)7. post office(邮局)

beautiful buildings(许多美丽的建筑)

9. get lost(迷路)10. across from the cinema(在电影院对面)

11. in front of…(在、、、前面)

12. next to the subway station(在地铁站隔壁)13. beside the cinema(在电影院旁边)14. near the park(在公园附近)

15. a map of your community(你社区的地图)16. on the third floor(在三楼上)17. black curly hair(黑色的卷发)

18. during the pe class(在体育课期间)

19. a pretty girl with long blond hair(留着金色长发的漂亮女孩)

20. a postcard of the city of toronto(一张多伦多市的明信片)

21. far from each other(彼此离得远)22. hundreds of stores(数百家商店)

23. the most famous places(最著名的地方)24. take a car trip(乘小汽车去旅行)25. lake ontario(安大略湖)

26. on my way home(在我回家的路上)二、重点句型。

there a gas station on your map?在你的地图上有个加油站吗?

yes, there is.\ no, there isn’t.

street is the longest street in the world.央街是世界上最长的街。

is a big bookstore on one corner.在一个拐角处有一个大书店。

you get lost, you can go to the police station.如果你迷路了,你可以去警察局。

station.警察局在公园附近,地铁站的隔壁。 sits in front of me.他就坐在我的前面。

is short and he**y with freckles on his face.他个子又矮又胖,脸上长着雀斑。

asked me for a postcard of the cn tower.他向我要一张多伦多电视塔的明信片。

lost jim’s address.我丢了jim的地址。

really want to keep in touch with him.我很想和他保持联系。


cities h**e some of the most famous places intheworld.这两个城市都有一些世界上最著名的地方。 can take a car trip to see niagara falls.


and beijing are both beautiful cities.多伦多和北京都是美丽的城市。北京的著名动。



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