
发布 2020-07-27 05:53:28 阅读 2122

sports 运动

i'm ready to play sports!我准备锻炼身体!

i know:我认识:

any 一些,用于否定句和疑问句。


he**y 重的形容词。

he**ier 比较级。

light 轻的。

lighter 比较级。

bought 买(buy的过去式)

buy buys buying bought

taught 教(teach的过去式)

teach teaches teaching taught

teach sb. to do sth. 教某人去做某事。

thought 想(think的过去式)

think thinks thinking thought

basketball 篮球

game 比赛。

ping-pong 乒乓球。

player 运动员。

runners 运动鞋

shorts 短裤。


sport 运动

team 队;球队。

t-shirt t恤。

catch 捕获,赶上(过去式是caught)

catch catches catching caught

hit 打;击(球)(过去式是hit)

hit hits hitting hit

lose 输(过去式是lost)

lose loses losing lost

need 需要

need needs needing needed

throw 扔,抛

throw throws throwing threw

win 赢得

win wins winning won

or 或者。

what did you do?你干什么了?

good health to you!祝你健康!

i am strong and healthy!我很健壮!

are you?你呢?

i know:我认识:

after 在。之后。

before 在。之前

bones 骨头。

cabbage 卷心菜

day 天,白天。

exercise 练习。

1 不可数名词。

what is exercise?什么是锻炼?

exercise helps make your body healthy and strong

riding a bike is exercise.骑自行车是锻炼。

walking to school is exercise.走路去学校是锻炼。

running is exercise.跑步是锻炼。

playing ping-pong is exercise.打乒乓球是锻炼。

how much exercise do you need?你需要多少锻炼? you need about twenty minutes of exercise three time a week.

i think you need to get more exercise,danny!

you h**e to play sports for exercise!

2 动词。exercise exercises exercising exercised

how often do you exercise,danny?

face 脸。

homework 家庭作业不可数名词。

hours 小时。

an hour

minutes 分钟

what's a minute?什么是分钟?

sixty minutes make an hour!60分钟是一小时!

months 月。

muscles 肌肉

onions 洋葱。

peas 豌豆

skin **。

teeth 牙齿 tooth

weeks 星期。

brush 刷

brush brushes brushing brushed

comb 梳。

comb combs combing combed

healthy 健康的形容词。

health 健康名词。

high 高的

higher 比较级。

low 低的

lower 比较级。

strong 强壮的。

stronger 比较级。

weak 弱的

weaker 比较级

do you like lying on the beach?你喜欢躺在海滩上? look!看。

what does that cloud look like那朵云看起来像什么

i know:我认识:

beach 海滩 beaches

cloud 云 clouds

flowers 花

grass 草。

le**es 树叶 leaf

ocean 海洋。

park 公园

sand 沙不可数名词。

sandals 冰鞋

sky 天空。

swimming pool 游泳池

swimsuit 游泳衣。

fly 飞行(第三人称单数:

fly flies flying flew

lie 躺。

lie lies lying lay

skip 跳,蹦

skip skips skipping skipped

swim 游泳

swim swims swimming swam

will 将;会情态动词,后面必须是动词原形。

very 很,非常。

li ming goes home 李明回家

cake,cookies and ice cream are very good! 蛋糕,饼干和冰激凌是非常好的。

i know:我认识:

begin 开始

begin begins beginning began

forget 忘记。

forget forgets forgetting forgot

forget to do sth.. 忘记去做某事(还没有做)

forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事(已经做了)

remember 记得

remember remembers remembering remembered

remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(还没有做)

remember doing sth. 记得做了某事(已经做了)

cake 蛋糕。

cookies 饼干

flag 旗。

ice cream 冰淇淋

party 晚会 parties

sugar 糖不可数名词。

surprise 意外的惊喜。

early 早的,早地形容词或副词。

earlier 比较级

every 每个。

late 晚的晚地形容词或副词。

later 比较级。

someone 有人。

1. do you remember?你还记得吗?

2. here's a picture of you,danny and santa.

3. do you remember?你还记得吗?

i went to the department store with danny.

we bought christmas gifts.我们买了圣诞礼物。 then danny saw santa.然后丹尼看见了圣诞老人。

we talked to santa.我们就和圣诞老人谈了起来。 danny said he wanted a new car!

santa laughed! did you ask santa for something, li ming?

yes! i asked santa for a camera.我要了一个照相机。

and i got one!我得到了一个!

4. i remember this!我记得这张。

i had fun!我很高兴! me too!

this is bob's basketball game.这是鲍勃的篮球比赛

5. we went to the gym to watch the game.

bob's team won! the orange team lost.橙队输了。

everyone played hard.每个人都打得很艰难。

6. did we buy snacks?我们买了小吃吗?

i forget.我忘了。

we bought hot dogs and pop.我们买了热狗和汽水。

i remember now!我记起来了!

7. .let's sing a song!

a party for li ming 为李明准备的聚会。

li ming is le**ing soon.李明不久就要离开了。 let's h**e a party for him to say good-bye.

i will invite some friends.我会邀请一些朋友。

let's not tell him.我们别告诉他。

let's h**e a surprise party for li ming! jenny calls steven on the phone.

steven answers the phone.史蒂文接了**。


hi,steven. it's jenny calling.

would you come to party for li ming? sure!

when is the party?聚会是什么时候? tomorrow.明天。

it's a surprise for li ming.给李明个惊喜。 please don't tell him.不要告诉他。

okay. what time does it begin?什么时候开始?

at 4:00. don't come after 4:00.不要四点以后来。

don't be late!别迟到了! we want to surprise li ming!我们要给李明一个惊喜。

okay,i will come before 4:00. then i will be early!我一定会早到的。

great!see you tomorrow! how many people are coming to the party,jenny?

let's see...you,me,li ming,steven,kim,my sister, mr. wood,my mum and my dad.



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